new 30g


I decided a ten is so limited so why not just get a thirty

i am thinking yellow polyps six small clowns(none of these will be added a once)a brain a pagoda cup and some zoos but what else could i put in it?:notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by ILuvMeTang
i am thinking yellow polyps six small clowns

Any more than 2 clowns is a very inconsiderate choice as they will fight and some will die. :nope:


Active Member
6 clowns will be too much b/c like greatreefer already said they will fight and kill each other plus thats just too many fish for a 10g. 2 would work though. You could have lots of corals, zoos, green star polyps, xenia, etc.


Way too many fish. I only have three small/med fish in m 55g. Especially if you are going to keep corals. Why dont you just get a 55g or 75g? YOu are goig to want one in 6 months anyway.


Why dont you just get a 55g or 75g? YOu are goig to want one in 6 months anyway.

that is the truth
10 right now .. going on 75


I agree that 6 clowns is too many to keep together in a smaller tank as they will fight, but if you have 6 small non-aggressive fish AND excellent filtration, you can do it.
3-4 small fish in a 55 is great, but there's no reason you can't have more, as long as you have enough filtration to remove whatever the fish put in. And, of course, prevent overcrowding. Some species need more room than others.
I also agree that you'll want a 55 or a 75 soon anyway, because I thought a 29 would be big enough for me. Well, it's not, but money's a big issue to a college student, so I can't upgrade it anytime soon. If you have the means to, though, I'd get a 75. It's just as long as a 55 so it really doesn't take up much room, and it's only a little bit wider. Plus you can have a fuge and/or a sump under/near it to give you even more water--the more, the better.
Good luck!!