new 47gal(tall) tank help


I have a 47g tall tank and enjoy it. Flow is a little tricky because it being a tall (30" deep) tank. So, you have to be creative with your powerjets. I have 4 jets running in mine.
Equipment will be dictated by what you want to keep in the tank. Corals....etc you when better lighting than stock. Such a deep tank, your best bet would be to build your rock work up and place the light hungry critters (if you have any) at the top of your rock work.
I orginally did it that way when I had 96 watts of HO-T5 lights. Then I added a 250 watts MH in addition to the T5s and keep pretty much anything in my tank. 250 MH is great for penatrating the depth of the tank.
The current equipment I have is 4 powerjets (30x-40x turnover rate), HOB filter (aquaclear I think), 250 watt heater and 96w T5 & 250w MH lights. Eventually I will be getting a protein skimmer.
My tank has been up for about a year and everything is doing great. Only deaths have been at the claws of a rogue hermit crab. My corals are doing great and spreading (Xenias and GSP). Good luck
This is an older picture but......