New 54 gallon corner tank


New Member
What size and brand proteinskimmer would you recomend for my tank? Added 40 lbs. live rock. Do I do water changes during cycle? How often and how much? Water that I pre mix with salt, just let it sit for a week or what, using tap water.Many questions thanks for any help you could provide.


Yes i would do a waterexchange every month or when needed. About 20% which would be about 11 gallons for you. I aslo have a 50 gallon corner tank and i have a bakpak bio-filter for the protein skimmer and is really doing well for mine.


I would get the best skimmer that you can afford. The bigger the better. It help but you don't need a skimmer. Water changes. Not during the cycle. Leave it alone untill it is done. If you are cycling the tank and curing your live rock at the same time then that is a little differnet. As for salt, It up to you. For a non reef, I really don't think it matters. If you can avoid using tap water I would. I know it is hard starting a tank but I use catalina water. Ready to use. It is straight from the ocean. ***** sells it but you can get it alot cheeper at LFS if they carry it. If you are mixing the salt I would just let it mix for a day with a powerhead. I hope this helps.