New 55 Gallon Reef Tank!!!!


i just got my first corals today!!!! i got some mushrooms and something else i think its a leather or something not really for sure.... i got a 55 gallon with 2 perc clowns, yellow watchman goby, scooter blenny, and a fridmani dottyback. 80 lbs of LR. just wondering if my mushrooms look ok??? i got PC lighting. tell me what you guys think and if you think my mushrooms look ok... they've been in my tank for about a hour and a half...
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Nice! I believe the other coral is a colt, other than that it looks great! Your rockwork is amazing!! are you sure it wont fall over? if it is stable and wont topple, congrats cause it looks great, but be causious because fish can be so blind sometimes!! lol just a word of advice! but it looks great keep up the good work.


Active Member
Mushrooms look fine and they should continue to do so under your lights. I worry about the stability of the rock structure also. It looks great but is everything stable? If so, great work! If not, stabalize it before it's too late.