New 55 Gallon

darth tang

Active Member
I just got a new 55 gallon Tank. It mounts and fits very nicely over one of my entertainment centers. I have a small concern however.
I am setting this tank up for tank raised sea horses. I plan on using some sand from my current tank mixed with southdown sand. I also plan on stealing about 25 gallons out of the other tank, as well as a couple of pieces of live rock to go with the new (cured) live rock I bought. My question is, by doing all of this, do I still run the risk of having a small cycle start or should seeding everything with stuff from my old tank avoid this?
The sea horses on hold at the LFS, have been for about a month,......I have no problem letting them sit there a bit longer, but my girlfriend (the tank is for her) is impatient., Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I would think you'll have at least a small cycle. Seahorses are delicate critters, I wouldn't risk putting them in anything that did not have optimal water quality. A mature system would be better for them IMO. What are they eating??


Active Member
Just a an entertainment center with entertainment stuff? TV, other electronics? So its above that? :notsure:

who dey

Active Member
i wouldn't keep that bad boy near any expensive electronics! also hope the ent center isn't holding the weight? remember about 8lbs/gallon


Active Member
If that's the case, there are a whole bunch of reasons I wouldn't do it personally. Definitely the weight issue and whether it can support it (even a bit of skew and that tank may crack along the bottom...not to mention void a warranty on a new tank. If it leaks, or even just water change leaks...that could drip, salt creep, electricity....then just plain noise from the system affecting the fish.


hi, cross here....i have seahorses before. extremely hardy.. however, you should be fine and not have to cycle if you have cured rock and ro water . just check your nitrate, etc before putting them in. seahorses are delicate but very very hardy. remember to have to minimum flo, and lots of branching oriments, plants, etc. hope this helps..


Active Member
:thinking: All seahorses are really hardy? I don't know if I would make that generalization. I would be darn sure that tank is not going to cycle on you just by challenging it a bit. What's the harm in it in exchange for the confidence? I've seen seahorses in cycling tanks, and they don't seem very hardy in that situation. You may not cycle much, but you may be adding a significant amount of food for those guys (55g is a big tank for one seahorse...may mean more food for it). I would challenge it a bit for the peace of mind.

darth tang

Active Member
The entertainment center is an older one. Very solid....oak. I have stood on it myself with the weight of all my electronics in it. I no longer use it for an actual entertainment center since I now have big screens. So basicaly it has turned into a place to store cd's and such. It was in the garage for a while holding my loose free weights (roughly 450 lbs.). It is also wedged in the corner of the room so the walls act as a brace as well. I have no fear what so ever of the weight being an issue.
The tank will be filled up tonight and all the rock added and I will see how it goes.......


Active Member
I guess if there are not electronics anymore its not an issue. But I had to tell ya man, for a moment I was wondering what the heck you were thinking!

darth tang

Active Member
Well, I got it all set up, added a few pieces of partially cured Live Rock (cheaper than fully cured) and the live sand. Couldn't find any "play sand", so went with what I knew was good. Seeded the sand with some sand from my other tank. Will be taking a few pieces of live rock from that tank as well as soon as the other rock fully cures and add it in.
The tank looks great over the entertainment center. I am even thinking of putting an old TV I don't use anymore in it. The weight isn't an issue. Just going to see how bad the salt creep will get on the stand first. The spot for the TV is maybe..........but we will see.


seahorses hardy huh.. thats interesting my finacee has always wanted a sea horse or two but from all her reading they seems to be a rather difficult bunch to keep but hm i will have to look into this more


Active Member
Not all seahorses are hardy...if any, IMO. That goes against everything I've read on them or experienced with them. Sure, not hard to keep once established in a good tank with appropriate amounts of food. Can reproduce VERY well in that envinonment, but IMO, not "hardy." Damsels are hardy. Betta and goldfish are hardy. Some seahorses are "easy" with proper care. But there is a difference between easy and hardy.