New 55 with pics


Hey guys, I just started up my 55 gallon tank and so far I only have one 4 inch Niger in there with some fellow crabs and snails so far.
I have a 4 inch deep sand bed and 50 lbs of liverock but I will definately be getting about 25 more lbs. Here's the pics and tell me what you think so far. I know the pics aren't aswome but you get the just.
P.s. I turned the flash on for one of my pictures just to show you the depth of the sandbed because without the flash, its hard to tell.
Here ya go:



Originally Posted by Cartman101
Nice trigger! Remember to upgrade in a year or so.

Thx. Yeah upgrading would be good.


Hey guys. I am thinking about getting a humu humu this weekend or maybe a yellow tang. I am not sure yet but i will def. upgrade in about a year or two. But what should I go with.
Nitrates are 10 only bc of the newly added liverock.


You didn't ask for advice, you wanted to know what we thought about your tank. Somebody said add more LR and it would look great. Even the amateur that I am knows you can't give advice when you don't know how long the tank has been running, for example. If you "just started it up" then don't put anymore fish in for a while, and if you want stuff like tangs then don't put in a humu humu. The Niger is fine, but two triggers in one tank with Tangs is asking for trouble. Even I know that!


See that's advice I was looking for. Why can't you have two triggers and a tang. If you get them when small, and they grow up together, they will be fine


And if you bring home a baby wolf, he will be fine with your kids too. Until his animal instincts kick in.
Do a search on this message board for "Trigger" and see how many posts pop up with the words "As soon as I can catch that #*$&& Trigger he's going back to the LFS". A Niger Trigger is fine, I have one, their pretty peaceful, but just about all other Triggers will be a pain unless you plan on having an aggressive tank, and the fish you want don't fit that category.

nm reef

Active Member
Somethings never change do they nigertrigg?
Same old song and dance...same old routine....more than likely the same old result.


Um. Let me try to help you out before you get destroyed on this site. First rule..............come here before you do anything you're LFS tells you to do We care....LFS cares........about the money. Two Triggers of any kind will fight..........Two Triggers and a Tang...........will exceed your tanks far. Most people on here will tell you.........and I agree, minimum tank for any tang should be 75 gallons. And Triggers........they get big.........I wouldn't go with any of your choices for a 55. Ask around, people will be glad to help.


I've read in magazines where some people have gotten away with a niger and a humu humu with no other fish in a 46 gallon bowfront without fighting. Why not give it a try.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vanos
I've read in magazines where some people have gotten away with a niger and a humu humu with no other fish in a 46 gallon bowfront without fighting. Why not give it a try.....
Because the VAST majority of the time situations like that lead to dead pets... that's why.