New 55gal Reef Setup


Getting back into the hobby and would like to set up a 55gal reef. Some questions as far as equipment goes. I want to use a HOB filter and skimmer, emperor 400 and a skimmer don't know which one yet. I have two Aquaclear 402 powerheads, and a301 powerhead, will these create enough flow in my 55 gal? How about placement of them in the tank? I have a double 48" strip light I was looking to use again, but I think I might have to upgrade? I was going to buy around 60-75 lbs of LR and 30lbs of LS. I plan on buying the LR from SWF and the day it arrives start my tank that day. Will the uncured LR once put into the tank for inital start be enough to start the cycle? Also going to use RO water from Wal-mart. Is there anything else that I'am forgetting to do, any suggestions? Its been almost 10 years since my last salt tank. Anxious to get back into the hobby! Any help would be great!


Active Member
Hi, and welcome. I too have a 55 gal reef. I have about the same equipment you stated. I am using a aqua remora pro skimmer, and love it. I have 4 power heads right now, two twords the bottom on each side, and two at the top with hydro flos on them. I am running 265 wtts of light, but really wish i had a canopy for MH lights. all my corals are doing great, but would like a little more color out of my zoos
good luck
also, yes uncurred live rock will start your cycle just fine. are you ordering it off the net.
I have a few web sites for catologs for equipment and such if you want them


Teresa are running a HOB filter? How much LR and LS do you have? Could you email me the websites and equipment info to I was going to try and buy the rest of the equipment, and LR on the net. THanx for you help and feedback.


New Member
As far as skimmers are concerned, i dont think they are definitely necessary for a 55 gal reef. Often people choose to put a little skimmer in such a small tank which ends up not working very well or not working at all. I my first tank was a 55 FOWLR and i then converted it to a reef. I never needed a skimmer for mine. They key is to reach a really robust balance of all different types of creatures in the tank. (aka time to become an esablished tank). I had a 48" power compact light fixture with 4 24" 96 watt bulbs, two blue and two white. Always always get a ton of light or dont bother buying corals because they will not thrive and will probably die or look like crap. Metal halide bulbs are the best for sure but they get too hot for a small tank for a 55 gallon tank and you'd cook your fish. The blue lights would come on 30 mins before the white lights and stay on 30 mins longer at night to simulate dawn and dusk. The only protein skimmers that actually works amazingly is the ASM line and I would recommend the ASM G2 skimmer. This an expensive and big skimmer for your tank but trust me- other skimmers will be an eternal headache for your tank. Also Tunze is a german company that makes exceptional skimmers that are very small, but they are very expensive. Like I said, I never had a skimmer and I was able to see great coral growth (due to the amount of light). Also, it is very very important not to have too many fish. It is so tempting to have a little tank with all these corals and a ton of beautiful fish too, but you really need to pick a very small number of little fish for the tank (less is more). For example, a longnose hawkfish, a zebra damsel, perhaps a yellow tang and a mated pair of percula clowns would be a really cool looking setup and probably the absolute maximum amount of livestock possible. I always add a ton of the smallest hermits I can find because they clean up so well and never do any damage. This way you never have to worry about overfeeding your fish because there will always be scavengers to clean up. Finally, a sand sifting starfish is certainly necessary- you rarely see them but they really keep your sand clean.


Dgott2000, thank you for the reply! Like I mentioned in my initial post I have a twin 48" strip light set up (2 48" bulbs), and also a single strip light that holds two 24" bulbs. I plan on using all of them. What brand are the 96 watt blue and white lights you mentioned? What do you suggest to go with now knowing what kind of strip lights I have? Also Is the Emperor 400 and those three powerheads adequate or will I need another power head somewhere? Once the tank is going I plan on adding a cleanup crew. ANother question regarding RO/DI water. I plan on using the ro water from walmart, what do people mean about testing for TDS, what does that stand for? THanx again for you replies!


Active Member
Hi mike, I have had a skimmer on my 55 gal for over a yr now, and I always get lots of scum. I wouldnt run a reef without oneI have a 48 inch power compact light fixture, and all my corals are doing great. they are growing and multiplying. I just traded in 70 dollars worth of frags to my lfs. Here is a picture of my tank.
I would add 55 to 75 lbs of lr I am always adding a piece here and there.



Active Member
i have two 150watt mh bulbs and two 96watt actinics on my 55, and im not cooking anything, my heater doent have to work and the water stays at like 80-82 depending, so mh are my definate pic in a 55. i am having awsome growth too. you can aslo get sps and clams with them. IMh mh are the way to hands down


Very Nice Tank you have there Teresa! How much LR would you say you have in the picture? Does your 48" power compact hold two 48" bulbs? What brand of bulbs do you have?


Active Member
Thanks, there are 4 22 inch pc bulbs in here. The fixture is a satelite, dont know what brand the bulbs are, just that they are a square pin.
I have about 60 to 75 lbs of lr. not sure how much exactly. I add a few pieces now and then.


I had an all HOT setup for my 55, it seem to have a higher nutrient problem than it should of had, thus, it was an algae factory. Once I went to a sump (with a good skimmer - ASM G1X ) things move along better. I like to keep enough rock for aqascaping but I don't like craming the tank full of it (the fish need to swim somewhere), so I concentrated on skimming. I hear a good HOT skimmer is Aqua c Remoras but haven't had one.


I have a new Oceanic 55 with a built in overflow coming in at the end of the month to replace my plain 55 that has sprung leak. (Leak is about an inch or so from the top thank goodness!) I will be running a sump with the ASM G1X as well and a GenX PC-40 pump to move around 1200gph. I have been running PCs but I have a 400W MH in the mail I am going to be adding to them.

I don't have a whole lot in my tank right now, mainly because I have just been afraid I didn't have what I would need to keep it. I can't wait to get my new set up in!

However, I haven't really had much trouble running my Prism HOB and Emporer 400 with 3 other powerheads. I just want to make sure I can't blame my losses on a lack of equiptment. :joy: