New 55gal tank. -need help coordinating fish


New Member
I have had my tank set up for approx. 11/2 months and Right now I have 2 clowns 6 blue damsels, 2 black and white striped damsels(all damsels are very small!), 1 mandrine gobi, 1 starfish and 1 yellow tang. I am going to put in some snails or crabs too but I want some other COLORFUL fish what would go well with what I already have? I want a happy tank with no really aggressive fish in it.:help: Any suggestions?

tony detroit

Active Member
Well, welcome to the board
Second, I would say you are stocked right now. You can keep more fish, but you're going to have shady water quality. I'd stick with what you have or get rid of the goby and all damsels myself. The goby will in most cases starve slowly without a natural food population that is thriving, and the damsels will harass newer members of your tank when you add them. Has your tank completely cycled?


I agree with bernabei You need to trade in the mandrine in, it only eats pods and if the tank is 1 1/2 months I don't think you have enough if any for the fish to survive. Also the damsels will control the tank way to aggressive. I also think(JMO) that a 55 gal tank is to small for a yellow tang. It needs alot of room to swim around. What kind of filteration do you have? Do you have a Fuge, for pods to grow in?


Tony, You should do some searching on the fish you have,and how to get started. If your tank did not cycle then get the fish back to the store, or you just wasted some money and killed alot of fish!:confused:


New Member
I feel like a complete idot! I have two whisper pumps, I know its more than I need and that about it. also I have no clue what pods are. I am serious when I say i am clueless I just picked up this hobbie and trying to figure it all out.:confused:

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by LFD-143
Tony, You should do some searching on the fish you have,and how to get started. If your tank did not cycle then get the fish back to the store, or you just wasted some money and killed alot of fish!:confused:

You're reading the wrong posts vs. authors
I wrote about cycle and not keeping mandarin gobys


New Member
I am in the middle of watching my nitrates now waiting for them to come back to normal level since I added the fish. My local dealer told me this is a natural thing to happen once you add fish and that I have to wait it out and then when it is ok I can add my snails, crabs etc.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by bernabei
Call me stupid but what do you mean cylce?:nervous:

Fish pee/poop/uneaten food decays and gives off ammonia. Bacteria turn ammonia to nitrite. Different bacteria turn nitrite to nitrate. Some bacteria turn nitrate to nitrogen gas, but for the most part it is built up faster than it can be consumed in most cases.
Ammonia and nitrite are most likely going to build up in your system VERY soon, it is crucial buy a test kit immediately and test on a daily to every three days basis. You are most likely to start killing fish. I would take back all the fish you have right now to the lfs if I were you and then buy them back after your tank has cycled. It would be in your best interest to start up differently. In a cycled tank you would have too many fish IMO for a 55gal.


New Member
OK, Now I feel terrible! I 'm killing the gobi(which I love!) I thought they would feed off the bottom? I use flakes and shrimp brine ice cubes. I am ready to call my dealer and ask him if he will take them back! How depressing!

tony detroit

Active Member
the lfs will in most cases just get in your pocket
the order to do things is
1.fill tank
2.put in shrimp in mesh bag
3. when shrimp decay they will spike levels, then remove shrimp
4. get sand/rock from established tank and add to your tank
5. add live rock to your tank
6. add hermits and crabs to your tank
7. once all levels have been down for multiple days-or a week ESPECIALLY AMMONIA AND NITRITE then you are ready to go fish shopping
I am sorry to say this but your fish ARE going to die soon. I can almost assure you you do not have a sufficient level of bacteria living in your tank to dissipate the ammonia and nitrite naturally. You should buy a book too. That's probably the number one mistake beginners make. You can buy a couple bottles of Cycle, amquel, or ammo-lock right now. They will help, but are not the natural way to do this hobby. The starfish, yellow tang, and goby at a minimum should go back today if your tank is not cycled.


New Member
Wow, and they all look so healthy and happy. I really trust my local dealer too! Bummer well I guess I will go call him and ask him about all of this! He is giving me this stuff to put in the h2o to help with the levels.


New Member
My dealer has been doing this for over 30years and his father had the business before him. I will call him and let you all know how this turns out! Thanks Kelly

tony detroit

Active Member
What kind of sand did you put in the tank?
How about Live rock? Was it cured or uncured?
Even with live sand and thriving live rock I am guessing you are headed for a disaster, I am sorry, the same thing happened to me and then I found this board a year later, the greatest thing on the net for me. Buying a good book is the first good step to take, I promise you.
Sorry, please do what we all tell you, I assure you it is in your best interest.


New Member
I just have the sand (not Live) that he told me to get. and no live rock! I will post later to let you know! Thanks


New Member
I forgot he's not open on Mondays I will call him tomorrow. I will let you know then what I find out.
I 'm so mad that this is happening!