new 60 gallon fowlr tank stocking.... peaceful vs agressive tank fish suggestions


New Member
I've done some research and these are the fish I found for my 60 gallon fowlr tank.... the tank is only about 1 week setup so i know it'll be a while before i start adding fish... anyways here are the fish... add suggestions as to what fish go well together and having peaceful tank vs predator tank....
Bicolor dwarf angelfish
Copperband Butterfly
Heniochus Butterfly
Banggai Cardinal
Percula Clownfish
Mandaria Dragonnet
Blue Spotted Jawfish
Saddleback Butterfly
Blue Spotted Puffer
Antennata lionfish
Snowflake eel
yellowhead eel
zebra dwarf lionfish
picasso triggerfish(wish i could have but tank is only 60 gallon... my favorite fish)


Active Member
WOW! That's a big list for a 60 gallon tank. Do you have a "must have" fish? This makes it easier to create a fish list around that fish.


New Member
Really really want a Picasso trigger but my tank is a 60 gallon.... no real must have fish and I don't plan to put all those fish in.... just a few from list... also can bicolor dwarf angel go with all those other fish?


Active Member
This is an interesting stock list, with compatible fish for that tank;
Blue Spotted Puffer
Red Lyretail Hawkfish
2 - 3 cool exotic damsels. Something like a Starki's, Firetail, etc
Chalk Bass or Tobacco Bass
And one of the cooler filefish. The Redtailed or Colored Tail, not an Orangespotted
The Butterflies and eels are out due to tank size.


New Member
a snowflake eel too big? maybe but they get to like 20" i dont think a 60 gallon is too small. but i dont have an eel i guess ahaha they are really awesome but you need a tight lid


Nice fish on your list...I do think you need to pare it down some, and your first job will be to decide if you want to keep preds or not.
I'm in the process of taking a std 60 gal offline (playing "musical fish"), and it contains:
Dendrochirus barberi (Dwarf Hawaiian Lionfish)
Ablabys taenianotus (cockatoo waspfish)
Paracentropogon rubripinnis (red-fin waspfish)
Scorpaenodes caribbaeus
(reef scorpionfish)
Odontanthias borbonius
(blotched anthias) trio
It's a nice, easy-care setup, and all of the fish get along fine.