New 7 gallon Nano


Active Member
I am in the design stages of a new nano tank, and I am considering replacing my 20. This is what i have come up with so far, let me know what you guys think. If i should change anything, etc.
Tank: 7 gallon Mini-Bow AGA
Lighting: Either a 70 or 150w HQI Halide, no supplements
Skimmer: BakPak2R
Refugium: A decent sized (10+ Gallons) refugium off the back that will run like a large powerfilter. Water will flow in from a small pump, and just overflow back into the display. This will have the heater, the skimmer, macro, 24/7 lighting, etc.
Canopy will be custom built with some good ventilation to prevent overheating.
I want to basically make this an SPS/Clam tank I know that it is small for such a tank, but i like seeing things grow so i would start with all frags. Clams are kinda iffy because they grow so fast, but i have a good source right now for small tridacnids that i actually get for free if I grow them out for him. Its kinda nice, i get a new clam every six months!
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. The reason for the downsize is that i am going to start graduate school in the fall, and the program that i will be in involves moving around a lot. Hence, a smaller tank. I really like this hobby, but a 20 will be too much to move every year.


With the combination of the fuge, a good amount of LR and LS you won't need the skimmer or the powefilter. I have a 10 with a 5.5 fuge and LR and no other filtration and so far so good. Most any nano keeper will tell you that with regular weekly or bi-weekly water changes there is no need for any other filtration outside of LR and LS. You sound like you also understand the heat issue with running the MH over such a small tank so I'll leave that up to you to figure out. Other than that it sound like a nice setup.
edit: I see that you already have the skimmer so it wont hurt to use it but there really isn't any reason for it. maybe you could run it every other day or so, who knows, you will figure it out. There is a nano specific site that you will easily find if you did a search on yahoo for it. It will be very helpful to you.


Active Member
Thats kinda what i figured with the skimmer. I have it, and it wont hurt anything to run it. Also, by the time all the volume is added, it will be around a fifteen or so gallon tank, similar volume to what i have now. Also, i wasnt planning on running a powerfilter, but rather the plumbing on my fuge would work LIKE a powerfilter. ie, water uptake through a tube run by a powerhead, pushed into the fuge, water then overflows back into the main display.
Any other thoughts out there
P.S. thanks aggie, I too am a college kid trying to set up a saltwater tank . . . silly us:D (yet to sacrafice any beer money though, but if I did, i would have a 180 set up by now!!)


That is exactly how I have mine set up. Powerhead pulling water in and an overflow out. Works great.