New 75 Gallon Diary


Bought myself a new 75 Gallon Tank for Christmas and thought I would share it along the way. Currently I am cycling the tank, put the live rock in today and its starting to look good. Long way to go, but I think I'll be pleased


That's a good the cloud of doom...I'm right there with you...I added sand I got the same results...keep posting picture of the progress


My plan as of right now is to have a Heniochus Butterfly, a Yellow Tang and Hippo Tang. Would like more but unsure what I want....any suggestions? I want to eventually temp coral but that's when I'm ready to fork out some $ and purchase new lights. As for current stock list I have:
double HOB filter
wet/dry sump
2 powerheads
Jebo prot. skimmer
76 lbs of live rock
70 lbs of live sand
Like I said, any suggestions are welcome


Please rethink putting tangs in a 75 gallon tank. My son bought me a powder brown tang and he paces the tank. With only 4 feet to swim he runs from side to side in my 75. I bought a 180 gallon tank last April, but still don't have it set up.
I really wanted to have it set up last September, but it's still without water.
My husband is not a fan. He was not happy when I got the 75.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Sand is high in some places and barely covers the tank in others. Even it out some. Nice rock work. Id stay away from the large tangs like the hippo and yellow. They get big. The Hippo grows to over 10 inches. Yellow like lots of swimming room. I'd get a couple goby's. Like a yasha with a pistol shrimp or a yellow watchemn. GSM Clowns or black clowns, blennys are a lot of fun. Maybe throw in a pygmy angel. Nice colorful community tank and everything will do fine for life.


I'm working with the sand. I fix it and something is eroding it right back the way it was. I know its either my filter, skimmer or powerhead, just narrow down to determine which one it is


Well the sand storm is over, the Amonia is at ZERO, Nitrite is ZERO and Nitrates are staying around 10. From what I've read and from my previous tank, I'm thinking I'm on the right track. The tank has bee set up for going on 3 weeks. Thought the cycle would last longer, guess I just lucked out. The amonia went to over 1.0 and I continued water changes to keep it down and now its gone. The readings have stayed at what they are now for about 5 days. At what point can I start adding the clean up crew and fish? What are good options for a new tank? With my first tank, I was able to get the LR from an established tank and it went pretty quick so I lucked out and not sure how soon I can add livestock since I actually had a cycle with this one.


Just thought I would post an update on my 75 gallon. I've had it up and running since December and its going great. I never dreamed I would end up with 3 tanks in my house!!! 75, 36 bow, and my 20L for the quarantine, I think its an addiction, LOL....Anyway, I've got a Coral Beauty Angel, Firefish Goby, Clown, and a Hippo Tang. Of course when i got the Hippo, he had ich pretty bad and it took a lot of fighting but he is now Ich Free!!!! He's been in the 75 for about 4 weeks now and is doing great, looking better every day. Sorry the pics are bad quality but the battery in my camera is dead so I used my iphone. Any input is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Well, the tank looks great so far! I see you've upgraded to a HOB overflow from the power filter -- probably a good idea for a 75g tank. Good choice.
I'm not, nor will I EVER be, the Tang Police, but just so you know you will have to move that blue hippo out of the tank and into a longer tank eventually. A 75 will probably be fine for a year or two, however. Watch him for stress-induced HLLE. For the time being I'm thinking he'll be OK, and your bioload is nice and small for this tank....even better for the tang. Good on you if that was the intent!

One question: how are you liking that Jebo skimmer? I've heard mixed reactions, but I was looking at getting it for a friend's 55g setup. SHe's on a budget, so i was tempted. Is it working for you? Do you have issues with the cup overflowing and/or not producing enough foam? Does the water level have to stay constant? OK, I'm shutting up now.
But back to your tank.....I'm really liking what you're doing with it so far. You should start thinking of some easy to maintain corals!!


Active Member
i used to have a jebo skimmer i hated it. i never skimmed anything. i threw it away before i found out that all i had to do was upgrade the pump and it would skim a lot better. too late now!


Do I get any foam from the Jebo? Very litte. I think most that is collecting is just moisture that is working its way up. I do see it foaming on occassion but not real well, but I guess its ok. I have never experienced the cup overflowing. I have let it sit for weeks and only had like 2 inches of milky water in the cup. I've heard that since the bio load is small in the tank, I won't get much but not sure about that, it is a newer tank so who knows. Would definately like to upgrade the skimmer though.


One more thing, thanks Novahobbies for the info on the Tang. I was under the impression that when the sites say tank size, it meant that is all you ever had to have. I didn't realize that its what they need as a young fish. Guess that's just more reasong to upgrade to a larger tank in the future :)


Well-Known Member
yep, it's always good to have an excuse for a bigger tank in the future. And yes, most of the online sources lowball their tank estimates when it comes to tangs. It's business to them, of course...they're here to sell the animals. So sure, a tang can hang out in a 75 or a 90 for a couple years, but if you want the animal to really thrive you'll want to make sure you have at least a 6-foot tank at some point in the future.
I'm actually in the same boat. My 110g is technically fine for many tangs, but because it's a 110-tall, it's only 4 feet long still. I have 2 tangs for my final stocklist in a 110, but I know I'm going to need a longer tank in a year or two. My next beast is going to be a 280!