New 75g build, few questions


Ok, I have had a reef tank for some time. I had a 65 I got rid of and have had a 29g cube for a while now. I finally got my tank. I got a all glass 75g aqueon with built in overflow. I am just tamking my time making sure Iget what I want this time around. I have a few questions or maybe you can lean me one way or the other.
This will be a reef:
Lights: I am looking at either 2x150 MH or 6xt5ho with ind reflectors. Either nova extreme pro or tek. Any suggestions on light?
I want ot keep anything on want. There will be a canopy.
The sump:
Looking at a proflex 200. I bought a 300 and it arrived broken and shipped it back.
So do I buy another or build my own refugium? Is there really that much cost savings? Any suggestions?
And Skimmer:
I have used ETSS and octopus in the past. THe list of ones I have been looking at are as follows:
Octopus nw200
msx 160
Euroreef rs80
asm g1
and maybe a Aquac 120 are a few I am looking at. Not sure if what to do yet. Any suggestions would be great. Anything new I should be looking at as well?


Active Member
If it were my tank, I would go with the metal halides for sure. That way you know for sure you can keep what ya want. Also the big "benefit" of t-5 was the heat factor, after alot of tests and studies they are showing to add almost as much heat as halides. The shimmer of halides alone, is enuf reason for me.
I would use a 20 gal or 30 gallon tankas a sump. They are cheap and you can get baffles cut for less than $50 for sure.
As far as the skimmers you listed, the MSX is a no brainer. They run $310. If you want to save some money, the nw200 will be fine. Especially if you mesh mod it.


thanks a ton, I made a fuge on my old tank. Well it was ok Some things I would do different this time around. If I make my fuge it will def same me some money and I ll by a nicer skimmer. Have you used or seen the msx in action? I guess maybe ill buy my skimmer next so I can fit in my fuge I make. Thanks.


Active Member
The msx 160 has a very small footprint. Yes, I go to marine solutions on the weekends and they have them running in their coral raceways. The msx skimmers are INCREDIBLE!!! There is no doubt in my mind, that they are the best skimmers available right now,unless you want to spend a couple grand on a deltec.


I thnk I made my decision to make my fuge. Been up all night searching the newest designs people are using. My biggest thing was the intake. I hated the inrush I used to get if I didnt use a filter sock or something. Well I will be going to the LFS today and looking at picking up a 30g tank for my sump. Then I will order my msx 160 i think. It really doesnt cost any more than my ETSS sumpbuddy 40 did on my old setup I sold off. it used a pretty large pump to run it though. Thanks again. any help is great. Thanks. I dont mind spending the money, I just want it to work. Work right and be hassle free. I dont want to have to adjust it everyday.


Active Member
The MSX is a sick skimmer! If they would have been out when I bought my ER RS100, I would have gotten that instead. But I love my euro-reef, so I cant complain.
And the fuge is the way to go. Good choice.


Well i took my tank out and painted the back today. I spent mostof the day reserching fuges and looking at stands. I wanted something a little different than the plain old pine stand. Not that tere is anything wrong with it. I just want to step it up a notch. Here is what I have to start with lol...



Active Member
Nice... Debating buying a used 75 right now, gotta go check it out this weekend. I'll be watching the thread and if I get my own I'll be sure to do a thread on it.


I found a couple stands I like. I found a guy who makes them out of oak but I have to finish it myself. Is there any special type of sealer I wold use on the inside of the canopy or stand because of all the water?or just use a plain old polyurethane? The other stand was the sadona. Has anyone used this stand or heard of it? I think it is pressboard of sometype not sure. Cant tell. And I have found a place in own that has a oak one and it is about $700
So here are my options stand and canopy
$275 Pine
$400 Sadona
$450 red oak unfinished
$700 oak finished
I am leaning towards the unfinished oak. Any suggestions or any other ideas. She wont let me buy a table saw to make my own. Already asked.


I have also been looking at the recirc octopus dnw 150. Anyone use one of these or seen one in use? I was thinking about plumbing it outside my sump to allow for a bigger fuge. Let me know. Thanks for all the suggestions already. Thanks


anyone use the burmmuda skimmers. I thought that this might work well to plumb it external as well too. Any input is welcome. thanks in advance. Jesse I bought some ballast today. I am going to go with T5HO's I bought 3 ballast for dual bulbs. I got everything bit the builbs and reflectors...