New 75g Reef Tank


Well-Known Member
I wanted to go ahead and start this new thread for the tank that I just bought. It's a 75g tank that is drilled for a glass holes overflow. I also racked up on quite a bit of goodies. I bought it off of craigslist and got a really good deal. Pics to follow this post.

75g reef ready tank
Pre-made stand
1500gph glass holes overflow - already cut
2 bulb 48" T5 unit
Emperor 400
Reef Octopus hang on back skimmer, 100g
Bulk Reef four stage RO unit
various pumps
Trigger systems 30g sump/refugium
TDS meter
Extra filters

I already paid a man to go underneath my trailer and put in some extra braces where the aquarium will sit. I plan on doing a mixed reef tank - various sps, lps and a few choice softies. My wife wants a bunch of stuff that moves, so I might have to accommodate her.

In any case - I for what I paid, I got a super sweet deal. Probably over $1200 worth and I paid only a fraction of it. Glad I looked on craigslist when I did.

eric b 125

Active Member
YES!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, I'm so happy for you dude! A 75 gallon is way better than a 55, IMO. Nice stuff, too. You deserve it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. It's been a long time coming. Glad that I am getting back in the hobby. Heck, I might even make it to MACNA this year. I dunno. Things are just looking up.


Well-Known Member
I seriously believe my last tank crashed because of my faulty RO/DI system. So this time I am not taking any chances.

I'll be using the RO system I just got as pre-filters. 5micron sediment filter, GEM 1micron coconut carbon block filter, and then a water softener. Then plumbed into three catalytic carbon block filters, to the RO membrane and the. Through two DI cartridges. All monitored with a computer/in-line TDS meter. With tap water TDS over 1500ppm, I gotta do something!!

For the lighting, I'm going to go with a couple of programmable cheap chinese LED boxes. They should do the trick until I decide on something different. For now I'll be using those dual T5 lights until I can buy the cheap chinese lights.

I need to either buy a plastic tote or find one. I got a bunch of base rock that I need to cut and soak in bleach for a few weeks. The rocks have been sitting outside for a while and need some soaking time.

This time with the aquascape I am going to take the time to do it right. I want to grind down some rocks and take drill bits to them for frag plugs. I want to build a solid bonsai structure with shelves. Hopefully it will turn out the way I want it.

eric b 125

Active Member
What return pump will you be using? I'm hoping you are happier with your glass holes experience than I was with mine.


Well-Known Member
I have had a glass holes overflow before. They are noisy, but the drone of the water flowing through it kinda helps me sleep. I have to cut off the silicone that the previous owner said he felt like he had to use to get a proper seal. I got to do a little cleaning up but it will be worth it. The overflow in fact is a 1500gph overflow. I could easily install something like a mag drive 12 in it BUT, I think I'm going to stay away from that brand for a little while and test out a lifeguard aquatics Quiet One pump.

Another issue is that I have to reduce the drain line from 1 1/2" to 1" (I think) to be able to drain into the filters. The sumo will never be able to be taken out because of the way the stand is built, so I'll have to figure out a way to clean it all out six months down the line.

The last tank I had didn't have a return hole either, so I'm thinking about buying the return hole kit from glass holes and drilling two return holes and possibly hooking it up to an SCWD or simply adding a couple of oscillators to the bulkheads. I'll probably do the oscillators as long as they can turn with the pump I want to purchase.

So since I want dominately Sps corals, I'm thinking about going with a pump that is roughly 7x the aquariums volume at 4ft of head. I don't want a whole lot of flow going through the refugium section and the skimmer has to have a chance to work properly. The main bulk of the water flow inside the tank might come from two Jebao WP25s. At least until I can save some money to purchase a Vortech.

I'm kind of torn between using mostly base rock for the aqua scape or using mostly live rock. I have a ton of base rock still, but I know the benefits of having high quality live rock too. I guess I'll need some advice on that when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Trigger.

This forum has gotten roughly 6-8 posts all day today. I think that I am looking for a few more peoples opinions, suggestions and comments than this one forum can offer. I'm going to start a thread on multiple sites.... It is unfortunate, but this forum is nearly dead.

I'm doing some research on different brands of equipment right now. I want to do this tank right, and I know I'll have the money to do it. But, it will take a little time.


Well-Known Member
it is sad how dead this forum is. especially when half the post are me. i dont know much about skimmers and sumps and sps corals. i do know a good amount about triggers though.:) if there is one thing i can say is take your time. it took me almost a year to get my little 40g to what i want it to be. to me live sand and macroalgae is way more important than lr. so i would get some macros in your sump and a 2'' sand bed is the way to go for bio filtration. so i dont see a problem with using mostly base rock.


I wish I could be more help.... I'm only 2 years in and I'm really a newb... Hoping it doesn't die though I like this forum.

eric b 125

Active Member
I think that I am looking for a few more peoples opinions, suggestions and comments than this one forum can offer. I'm going to start a thread on multiple sites.... It is unfortunate, but this forum is nearly dead.
That's what I did, Seth. I have build threads (with the same name as the one I have here. Hint, hint) in the large tank sections on R2R and RC. As dead as this forum is, I think I've had more responses here than I have on any of the forums.

I can't remember when I joined because all my info was lost when they updated the site. I think it was in January '07 or '08. It was pretty busy back then and it was a wonderful place to learn the basics, which I'm sure it still is. As my reef keeping got more advanced I needed to look elsewhere to research more complicated things, though. I consider this place 'home' though and it's the first forum I check in the morning.

When choosing a return pump, I tried to match the amount of flow going through the sump with the gph of the skimmer pump. With a 200 gallon DT I move 600 gph through the sump. It allows for more efficient skimming and it's much quieter. I use an Eheim Compact+ 5000 return pump. It's got a real small footprint and it's adjustable so I didn't need to put a gate valve on the return line. Best of all, it's super quiet, which by now I'm sure you know is very important to me, LOL.

eric b 125

Active Member
I'm going to be ordering a Maxspect Gyre in the next few weeks and if it does what I hope it does I might be selling two VorTech MP40wES's...not sure if I'll sell the battery backup though because I might want to use it with the MP10wES on the QT. I'll let you know when I make up my mind and if you're still considering VorTech's I'll hook you up.


Well-Known Member
Sweet dude!!! I'm interested in them. Sounds awesome.

Yeah, I'll post on multiple forums but I think this place will always be my home forum.

I watched a video of that gyre. It looks pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know about the Jebao DC water pumps now? They are variable speed and have slow start technology? They also have a button for "feed mode". Is it worth the $110 for a try?


Anyone know about the Jebao DC water pumps now? They are variable speed and have slow start technology? They also have a button for "feed mode". Is it worth the $110 for a try?
I have 1 Jebao pumps. Very powerful for sure. Even on the lowest setting they really rock. They need a minimum 4' tank as they are so turbid. I bought an rw8 and its way to much on my 93 cube which is 30x30x30. I need to sell it and get a rw2 or 4. Oh and the rw models suppose to consume less power and are the most updated version i think.
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Well-Known Member
I'm interested in how much Eric is gonna charge me for those vortechs. ;)

I cross posted on a few forums. Eric, like you said, more viewers than commenters. I guess that is wherever you go.

My trailer is getting braced up tomorrow. I got the guy lined out and he said there is enough materials to do it. I hope it is done tomorrow so I might can leak test it soon.

Tonight I am doing some cleanup on the tank and installing a few things. The stand doesn't really impress me much, but I know that it is solid enough to hold the 75, I'm just a little worried it's not braced enough.

I'll have to go through all my aquarium junk to see about how much is reusable. I might do that tonight too.

This is so fun and exciting!