New 75gal reef setup help. Please?


Ok i need a little help on my new setup. i have a biocube 14 right now with
1-cimmon clown
1-lt anemone
1-flame hawk
1- cluster of star polyps
and a couple mushrooms
ok so my new tank i got is a 75gal rr oceanic w/ plus 75 series i took the bio balls out and i'm going to put lr down there. now should i put sand down there? also i was think about getting a Canister filter. should i? i dont really know how they work or what they do but i always here ppl talk about them. i'm still thinking about the light. all i want to really have is mostly basic corals softies and anemones. i will have enough flow so nothing to worry about there. any help or ideas would much appreciated. Thanks alot Allen
I'm going to bring everyhting over..


In saltwater, canisters are usually a no no. As far as I know, they are phosphate factories. Eheim makes a wet/dry canister, you might look into that, but they are costly, so for the money, I would prefer a sump filter, besides it gives you more options. YOu don't need to put sand into the sump with lr, probably don't want to, I could see getting clogged with sand. Lr is sufficient. I am not sure why people are so angry about bio-balls, its not like lr won't have detritus building up on it.


I would not use a canister filter. I don't think they will work on a reef ready tank. Go with a sump, and you'll need a protein skimmer. I like the Nova Extreme for lighting. T-5's and moonlights. Very nice.


No sand in the sump, it will only cause more trouble than its worth IMO. The live rock is a good idea, bio balls tend to need cleaning due to their material, otherwise they become nitrate factories. If too much debris gets down there after a while, then just stir it up and it will get in your sponges which can be cleaned quickly. Good luck with your new tank and enjoy!


canister is ok as a spot for your carbon or for water movement. I took the sponge out of mine and just change the carbon socks. works great and lots of pods liv in there also. every time i chang the sock i give the fish treats out of the can.