new 8 gallon biocube


well I just bought an eight gallon biocube for my son's room.
We are redoing all the kids bedrooms and he wanted his done in a ocean theme- so I figured he needed his own tank aswell- but here comes the hard part I need some ideas as what type of fish to in it and inexpensive coral with bright colors for it- can an eight line wrasse go in it but I also want some shrimp aswell
here is the bedding he will be getting- he's only four and can tell people mostly any fish he sees


Active Member
idk about the wrasse... Why not a pair of clowns? Itll go with the spread...
Coral wsie, Zoas, Shrooms, GSPs, Xenia, and smoe Feather Dusters


another question- do they even make a skimmer for an eight gallon? I have only seen them for a 14 gallon- and I would be better off getting a nano korilla?


I love the bed spread its beautiful! Like rebelprettyboy said the eight line wrass would be to big for a 8 gallon. You could try a small pair of Percula Clownfish but I would think that they would eventually out grow the tank and they like to swim around a lot. There are a lot of gobys that are small fish and some that dont really swim around a lot but mostly hang around on the rock work and they are nice looking fish. I cant answer the question about the skimmer but as far as the nano korilla goes as long as you are going to use the 8 gallon that should be fine but if you go any bigger at all I would go with the #1's. Keep us updated I would love to see pic's of the room when its finished! good luck


ok well hows this for a fish list then
Royal gramma
Flase percula
Yellow shrimpgoby or the yellow clowngoby would perfer the shrimp but dont know how big they get
I bought the tank of that a c u t i o n site E--- for $100 best deal I saw is it a good one? I saw a 14 gallon on craigslist for 150 but one of the lights didn't work so that scared me away


in my opinion 3 fish would be to much for a 8 gallon tank and I also think that the Royal gramma would be to big for the tank. you could try the Yellow shrimpgoby, I would get one paired with a pistol shimp. they have a great relationship and are a lot of fun to watch. also the yellow shrimpgoby doesnt really swim around the tank they pretty much just dig a hole in the sand under some live rock and just hang out there so you could also try a small Flase percula who would actively swim around in the tank. Just make sure you keep a good eye on your water quality and do regular water you already have a saltwater tank up and running?
well I hope this has helped some, if you have anymore questions keep asking away, there are a lot of great people on this board that will help you.