NEW 9 gallon Tank video



Hello fish people, Havent posted on here in a while. Been upgrading and downgrading a few tanks. I turned my 30 gallon mixed reef into this little 9 gallon nanowave. I sold everything except my favorite mother colony. I put this kenya tree in here and it is fragging like crazy. I have 1 firefish, 1 yellow head jaw fish who has made a pretty elaborate tunnel system under everything, and about 50 snails.


you have 50 snails in that 9 gallon ? you are going to have a lot of die off if that's the case =/


Active Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
you have 50 snails in that 9 gallon ? you are going to have a lot of die off if that's the case =/
if theyre dwarf snails or whatever, its fine. as long as they have something to eat, itll be ok


They are dwarf ceriths, only 2 turbos. I got the turbos in a bind from my LFS for 4 bucks a piece when i had a crazy hair algae outbreak. Then i found and got like 300 total snails and hermits from them for 70 dollars. I leave the light on 10 hours a day so they get algae to eat. At night they cover the glass.


going to be posting an updated vid of this tank soon. I propped the mother colony up on a piece of pvc to raise it right below the light and it grew like crazy. Even more than it already was. The tank is filling up quickly with kenya tree. The forest is almost completed lol


hey everyone, I just shot a new video of the tank so you can check out the growth. i proppped up the mother colony on a piece of pvc so it gets maximum light all day. when it spreads a little bit more I am gonna aquascape a forest


thanks. Simplicity was 50% of my reason for doing it like this. the beauty of it was the other 50%.
I think it will be cool when its done, right now im just letting it spread around and frag off, later I will actually make it look cool. When you spend all your time and money trying to make a 125 gallon look good you dont have time to mess with a nano. The only equipment im running is a tiny little return pump and a PC light. My girl cant complain about the electric bill.