New addition 8-24-05


This is my new addition today,i just love him already!
I have some new purple ricordias and some blus zoos with some misc polyps and zoos on same rock also.I will get pics of them after i get my angel acclimated and in the tank!


Active Member
so you went with the koran eh? i distinctly remember a thread on you debating between a koran and an emporer, i thought you had decided on an emporer but maybe that was someone else, either way beautiful fish cant wait to see the pics of your other new specimen and him in his new environment


I wanted the emporer but could never get a juvy so i finally went with the koran!Thanks for the reply i will be sure to get more pics today after he is in the tank and i get the lights on so i can take some of the new rics and zoos!


Active Member
Wow!! I like them zoo's and shroomes. What kind of lighting are u usind? There so purty!


Originally Posted by JayC
Wow!! I like them zoo's and shroomes. What kind of lighting are u usind? There so purty!
The lighting is 260w PC!


Originally Posted by fishtanknewbie
Hey maurice I am coming down in November so you can direct me to some of those great deal you have been getting!

Just let me know when your gonna be here and i will give you some of my inside info.


Active Member
Maurice - nice pics and additions!
What sorts of PC bulbs are you using? I have about 200W over my 45 but don't have quite the same color...just have a 10K and actinic. What types of bulbs are you running (I am assuming 4 65W bulbs?? - more actinic or even split or what?)