New Addition


I just bought a clown tonight. Acclimated him for about and hour. I was kinda hoping he would go right to the new anemone, but he didn't. Instead he kinda went to a corner of the tanks and looked out.. ate a little . That was it...
Will he adjust in the coming hrs? Do they have a sence where they sooner or later go to the anemone?
Thanks :) :D


Turn your lights off to relieve stress and leave them off for about an hour or 2 after the time the fish was realeased. It can take hours, days, even a week for new items to adjust to the new settings. With a clown and an anemone it is a chance. They may or may not bond together. If your clown is tank raised chances are they never will join but they could. Only time will tell.


Active Member
Becky; Give the clown a little time. Being new it will take from a few hours to a few days for it to settle in. The fact it ate a little is a good sign. It is not unknown tho that some clowns will not take up residence in a given anemone anyway (but it is still to soon to say that is your case).


Thanks guys. I did turn the lights out last night in the tank.. about a half hour after i put in the new clown and sally light foot. Then when i woke up this morning he was swiming around the glass ... i think he likes this cause he can see his reflection.


also one more question.. does it take just as long for the sally light foot to acclimate also? I have a feelign it does cause it is kinda staying in the same spot as when i put him in. Will I see more movement out of him within the week?


New Member
I just got a sally light foot a week ago, and for the first three days he never emerged. Since then he has been all over, I guess he got over whatever problems he had and is now quite entertaining to watch. Also, it has taken a week or a litle more before for me before my clown has bonded with an anenome. Also, the clown has to tesy out the anenome for a little while before he will move in. The actual bonding process can take a little while. I am sure once your clown is feeling more at home he will start checking out the anenome.


It takes a bit of time for inverts to acclimate. If there is no movement in 3 days then it is time to worry. Also a lot of the time inverts molt and leave a perfect looking shell of them so most people think they are dead.