New Addition


I have wanted one of these for the longest time! I talked to my LFS and he said i had enough light to keep this healthy, Now i wonder!?
260 watt pc combo
60 gal


Active Member
Originally Posted by Symon
I have wanted one of these for the longest time! I talked to my LFS and he said i had enough light to keep this healthy, Now i wonder!?
260 watt pc combo
60 gal
I hear one of the hardest to keep alive especially as a new hobbiest, that's why I don't have one!


Active Member
IMO that's not enough light for sebae anemones. You should have halides for that species.
The anemone you have looks very bleached already too. This means it has lost most or all of its zooxanthellae, which is the symbiotic algea living within the anemone tissue. The algea is what gets energy from the light to make sugars to feed itself and the anemone. Healthy anemones have a brown tint.


I hear ya, the tank they kept it in was very low light, I will look into upgrading my lights a little, would like to be able to keep this alive!
Hoping i saved it from a long slow death!
It does seem to be responding and eating, have it set high in the tank now.


Crap you all have me worried , I am going out to the garage and build myself a hood and go the guys at coral island, they have all the toys to build good lighting, then i can tear apart my pc combo and sue thos too !


The sebae is a difficult anemone to keep, even folks with good practical experience have difficulty in keeping them. So far from my research and others experience they truly seem to do better with metal halide lighting. Most die in the first 6 months.
When broomer5 had his it started out pretty much like yours is now. And I believe he had about the same lighting only it was over a 75 gallon tank. He then upgraded to a VHO/MH combo (940watts total) and within several months the anemone made a fantastic comeback and regained his zooxanthellae.
Here are his before and after pics of the same sebae anemone.



Sure theres hope, those pics show what is possible with the right lighting. From unhealthy to healthy.