New Addition

My lfs sold me a large hermit crab that he took in on trade for $5. It is the size of a small apple and very entertaining. I put him in the 100 gal tank and when I walk past the tank, he chases me from one end to the other. I put a piece of krill on a stick and he grabbed the stick with one claw and the krill with the other. Doing a great job of stirring up the sand too. But what is gonna happen to the little guy with a dog face puffer and a clown trigger in the tank? I have a feeling it will be crab salad! But we will see...He is a big guy...Might give them a run for their money! LOL
it will be a matter of time before the trigger gets to the crab but if he is big he should be ok but remember clowntrigger and dogface puffer get big ;)
Bigger is ALWAYS better in my book!
Puffers are pretty notorious for lounging around on the bottom. Will the hermit actually attack the dog face while he is dosing? Just thought about that. I can already see the battle happening....Instead of an eye for an eye, it would be a "fin for a claw"! :)


Clown triggers will attack inverts. My puffer and my huma left mine alone, but the clown taught them bad habits.


I had one of those. Is it sorta red with little bristly hairs? Some spots on it? Yeah, my triggers tried to pick on it until it got a hold of my 2 inch huma, I thought he was going to kill my trigger. I had to stick it with my eel feeding stick to get him to let go. After that, they never picked on the crab again. But the first time he molted, his empty molt was just sitting there, and the huma got curious. He kept doing fly-bys to see if the crab would react. Then he started furiously biting the molt and attempting to toss it here and there. It was pretty funny. Then the real crab came scurrying across the tank and the huma jetted into his hiding hole. Funny as hell. After that, he just let the molts do their own thing.