new additions and questions


i have around 100 lbs of live rock in my 75 gallon. i just added live sand and two corals button pulps and mushrooms and fire coral.
What is the best kind of algee to grow i heard purple is the best. will my new addition be fine with a damsel and half backed angel.
what can i do??


i have coralife light that is 65 by 4. I have a another question should i turn my power heads off while my sand is settling. how long will it take to settle.


the sand is really really fine and hasnt settled but is getting better. i turned my power heads on. was the fine sand a bad idea


it has been about 3 days and the water is still cloudy. is this ok...everything has sand on it. my aquarium looks bad when you look into it. will a UV help to clear it and what carbon??? i don't know how to use it...thanks for all your help


it has been running for about a year... it was a freshwater tank before i converted... i had fifty lbs of live rock then adds fifty more then sixty lbs of live sand...
soft or hard corals...which are better and what fish would work good


How long has it been since the tank was switched over to saltwater. What kind of filter do you run or skimmer?
About the coarls. Everyone is differnt about what they like. It also matters on your lighting. you said 65X4 what dose that mean? What kind of lights are they?
If you like hard coarls it is hard to have good growth and color without MH.


hey salt fun looks like your pretty close to me.if you ever want to trade some frags or something let me know.
providing more info for the questions asked helps us to help how long has the tank been a salt tank and since the last edition of rock and sand. what exacty the lights are.providing all that info would get you better help.


i have had it up and running for about 1 year. i have a skimmer system, protien skimmer, 2 4000 Rio power heads, 2 10,000 K 65 watt lights and 2 actinc lights. when i started i had 50 lbs of live rock, with crushed coral on the bottom. about a month ago i bought 50 lbs of live rock and about a week ago i switched to live sand. i just hooked up a UV starilzer.
in my aquarium i have a leater mushroom that i have been feeding him calcium, and photoplactin. i have buttom polyps and fire coral. with a damsel and half backed angle i have 2 emerald crabs, a cleaner shrimp, 10-15 crabs and 10 snails.
i guess i just want info on what to do and not to do...
what some good starters are for fish and corals
thanks for your help


what temperture should i run my aquarium at...because chillers are expensive are they needed...
what other items should i add to it.
for health in my aquarium
The sterilizer you are running will kill the phto in your tank. The sterilizer is great for freshwater but id get rid of it if you are serious about building a reef. As far as chillers go you probably will not need one with your wattage. If your house stays relatively cool then your probably ok.


ya i would get rid of the sterilizer as brian90vette said.
with all of the changes you have made the (rock and sand)if it were me i would wait while (few weeks) before adding anything else and watch what you have,and make sure things are doing fine.
on your sand it could take awile for it all to settle if it was fine grain sand and you still might need a filter to polish the water after to get it really clear.
Corals, with the lighting you have,leathers are ok some hard corals. brains, frogspawn ect i would stay away from sps.the fire coral may have a chance if it's close to the top with really good water flow.
tank temp 75-80 i like closer to 76 seems like less algea blooms but my tank runs at 78-80 during the summer 75-77 during the winter


thanks for the help.
i guess i would like other peoples comments as well..
what type of fish would go good and what inverts would also be good.
thanks again