New additions for 55g


Hi, my 55g tank is almost ready to go. So, what I want to do is move the 4 fish I have into that tank, let them settle in for a couple of weeks and then ad 3 or so more is what I have. The tank has about 55-60 lbs of LR, and LS a HOB bio wheel set up, I need to change out the lights, they are the ones that came with it right now. All fish will be QT'd coming in.
1 yellow tailed blue damsel
1 Royal gramma
2 Green Chromis
1 cleaner shrimp
3 snails (I had 4 but the crabs ate one the other day)
2 scarlet hermits
2 regular hermits.
I am thinking of adding
1 flame angel ( I really like angels)
1 wrasse of sometype (not sure which yet)
and maybe a blennie but I'm not sure about that.
Any suggestions or thoughts?


New Member
i have a minimum 20 blueleg crabs about 5 scarlets and about 25 nass and turbo snails a conch and lots of others.


Originally Posted by kelley5454
Hi, my 55g tank is almost ready to go. So, what I want to do is move the 4 fish I have into that tank, let them settle in for a couple of weeks and then ad 3 or so more is what I have. The tank has about 55-60 lbs of LR, and LS a HOB bio wheel set up, I need to change out the lights, they are the ones that came with it right now. All fish will be QT'd coming in.
1 yellow tailed blue damsel
1 Royal gramma
2 Green Chromis
1 cleaner shrimp
3 snails (I had 4 but the crabs ate one the other day)
2 scarlet hermits
2 regular hermits.
I am thinking of adding
1 flame angel ( I really like angels)
1 wrasse of sometype (not sure which yet)
and maybe a blennie but I'm not sure about that.
Any suggestions or thoughts?
IMO, All of the fish you had listed would be ok to add. Although there could be a bit of a gotcha there. What size is the current tank you have now and how much LR do you have in it? The Flame Angel is an algae eater and is going to need a fair amount of mature LR to get his algae. Can always supplement with algae sheets though. There are a good number of wrasse that would work. Really would need to find the kind you would want and then see if he will be compatible with everyone else. As far as a blenny goes you could get a Lawnmower blenny. I think they are the coolest blenny's. They are an algae eater as well so you would def want to supplement algae sheets if you had the flame and mower both in there. Hmm, the "FlameMower" Now that would be a cool looking fish.


I like the idea of the "Flamemower"
Supplmenting algae sheets won't be a problem. I have about 65 pounds of LR/that tonga stuff in there, 12 pounds of the rock came from the old established tank.
I move my inverts into the new tank this weekend and added a few more and they seem to be loving it. So there are now 11 crabs (some of them are soooo tiny they are cute) and I think around 10 snails. I am doing hypo on the fish in the nanoe right now so it will be a few weeks before they are added. I really like the lawnmower blenny they are so cool.
Any suggestions on what type of wrasse? We do don't want a six line, something a little more vibrant in color would be cool.


A Christmas Wrasse is real nice, vibrant red color. Also doesn't grow that big, and listed as reef safe.