Well I added 7 corals, a cleaner shrimp, blue linkia star, a christmas wrasse, and a lemonpeel angel.
The corals are:
Devils Hand (about 4" across when opened fully)
White Carnation Coral (coliflower coral)
Orange Sponge
Rock of Watermelon Shrooms (8 individuals on it.)
Trumpet Coral (20 heads)
Cabage Coral (4 differnt pieces on one rock)
Orange Sun coral (yellow sprouts) 10 heads
What are yall's thoughts on those? I already had a purple Carnation Coral, Bright green shrooms, and a toadstool.
The corals are:
Devils Hand (about 4" across when opened fully)
White Carnation Coral (coliflower coral)
Orange Sponge
Rock of Watermelon Shrooms (8 individuals on it.)
Trumpet Coral (20 heads)
Cabage Coral (4 differnt pieces on one rock)
Orange Sun coral (yellow sprouts) 10 heads
What are yall's thoughts on those? I already had a purple Carnation Coral, Bright green shrooms, and a toadstool.