New additions today.


Well I added 7 corals, a cleaner shrimp, blue linkia star, a christmas wrasse, and a lemonpeel angel.
The corals are:
Devils Hand (about 4" across when opened fully)
White Carnation Coral (coliflower coral)
Orange Sponge
Rock of Watermelon Shrooms (8 individuals on it.)
Trumpet Coral (20 heads)
Cabage Coral (4 differnt pieces on one rock)
Orange Sun coral (yellow sprouts) 10 heads
What are yall's thoughts on those? I already had a purple Carnation Coral, Bright green shrooms, and a toadstool.


Active Member
Well the lemonpeel angel will most likely eat any LPS that you have on that list including the mushshrooms. Other then that it looks pretty good.


Active Member
yeah good luck with ur angel. i heard they r 50/50 when it comes to eating corals. i'd love to get an angel in my reef, but the risk outweights the reward.


Well the first Carnation Coral I got is doing great so I wanted to try a different color variation. As of right now the angel hasnt touched anything and is swimming all over the tank. Also if it starts to eat the corals I will remove it and exchange it for a tang....I will also be adding a 3.5" imperor juvi angel to the tank as well and once it goes for the corals it will go into the 240......


Active Member
Everything looks good. Nice additions to your tank, with the exception of the starfish (if that's a new one), since it does not look like your tank is established enough or has enough rock for it to live.


Active Member
All trees need to be planted right ? LOL. Just kidding. Wonderful looking tank though and great job with it. That wrasse is beautiful !


Rebelboy.....I got them from Aquatic egde (san Angelo) and the store in odessa (only sponge).
Lion_Craze.......It has been up 6 months and all the sand and rock came from one of my old tanks that was up for 8 months......I was cleaning the glass everyother day and since i got the star I am going to cut it down to 1 every 2 weeks....
N8ball........It wont be any more aggressive than the bird wrasse or 6-line wrasse....
I paid 20 for each peice of coral.....


Active Member
You can clean the glass as much as you want. Linckia stars are not algae eaters. They live off of the microfauna on your established rock.
And you are right, the Christmas wrasse will definitely not be more aggressive than the bird.


Active Member
sweet,,, Ive been to the store in San Angelo once.. Its a nice set up in there... Why you didnt tell me you were going? I would have hitched a ride lol


I was actually there yesterday for work and stayed the night and worked this morning and then picked them up........


Well I just got 3 more pieces of Coral from RebelPrettyBoy today and they all look good and I will take some pics tomorrow after they get adjusted to the tank and start fully showing themselves.....


Active Member
I don't know WHERE the lemon is or IF you purchased the corals that way, but there are "nips" out of the candycane and the 4th leather down on the second pic already. They may have came that way though, I don't know.