new additions


Hi everyone..i havent posted in a while. I have had my 125gal set up for about 6 or 7 months now and for the last 3 months all i have had was a coral catshark(about 14inches) and a SFE (about the width of a sharpie) in it. Today i decided to get 2 new fish, so i got a porc puffer thats about 7 inches long and nice and fat..and i got a grouper about the same size...i never saw this grouper anywhere is light light blue(almost white) with darker blue spots when it is normal and it turns dark blue when its nervous. I already forgot the name of it and cant find it anywhere online, so if anyone can tell me the name it would be great, if not ill call the lfs tomorrow. I saw both fish eat in the store and there beasts..i just threw some food in and i guess the shark isnt use to them yet and he got a hold of the puffer but let go once he realized he wasnt the food.
I have a Question:
-the puffer already got stuck to the powerhead, What should i put on it so he wont get stuck? i tried a sponge but it slows down the flow too much..
I will post pics soon...Thanks


Active Member
Spray the power head down with WD-40 and you puffer will slide right off.

No seriously you could try getting a piece of egg crete from home depot or lowes and cut it up and make a little box around the intake, that would keep him from getting stuck and still allow flow in to the power head but it would look a bit ugly maybe even a piece of clear tubing from an under gravel filter. I'm not reallysure since the onlt time I ever have fish get stuck is when they are dead.


Thanks...i think im gonna try a plastic golf ball with the holes in it..the thing got stuck twice in 5 minutes so i had to turn them off..everyone is getting along now and swimming amongst each other..i will get pics soon