
I guess I'm probably a little too excited, but this weekend I finally bought my aggressive tank! Its a 60 gal, w/overflows, amiracle wet/dry, berlin protein skimmer, canister filter and UV steralizer. Lighting just plain old flouresent. :D
I plan on using the LR and water from our 300 and 150 tanks to jump start the whole process.
My proposed stocking list includes, a pork puffer, lionfish (dwarf of volitan?) clown trigger and a snowflake eel.
What do you guys (and girls) think about this plan/setup? Any advice or helpful hints would be appreciated before I get going!!
As always thanks for the help!! :D :D


i dont meant o sound mean but that tnk is a little small for that set up especially a clown trigger, pork puffer and volitans although a dwarf lionfish and the eel will work


Yeah, I kinda figured that was the case. After posting I read a few other post and realized its a major no-no to mix puffers and triggers. Oh well, thats why I asked BEFORE I bought the fish. Im pretty set on the puffer though, its the whole reason Im doing this. Any suggestions on what others if any I can mix with him? Much appreciated. :)
Pufferlover: If you read this, I'd really like your input too. :)