New and Curious


New Member
I have had my tank up and running for 4 days now. I have some LR and was wondering if the stuff growing on it is good or bad. There is multiple colors of rock with green "fuzz" growing. my salt level is pefect and i have added a small amount of food. Heard that food works like a raw shrimp. What do i need to have in my tank, as in LR, LS, etc. to have happy, healthy fish? My tank is only a 20 gallon... didnt want to waste too much money if i turn out to be a horrible SW fish owner. :notsure: Also, how much should i be running my light??


The simple fact that you posted says your not gonna be a horrible fish owner.:)
In a 20 gallon 35-40lbs of LR is ideal.
You are correct about the food starting your cycle, it will.
Not sure how much live sand.
The fuzzy stuff is usually sponge. If your tank is only 4 days old, it's pretty unlikely to be cyano or diatoms, yet...
Your lights... Your tank will not benefit at all with your lights yet, so it is totally up to you when you want them on. In this stage of the game there is no correct time span.
Which kinda lights do you have. Very intense lights like halides can encourage unwanted algae if left on to long, but if you have the lights that came with the tank, you can put them on whenever you want to.