new and need help


i have been a fan of the site for a long time but just now am able to talk to every one so i have lots of questions for you i have a 75 that i wold like to put just trigers in can any one give me a idea of how meny and what kinds i can put togather in a tank this size
i have a wet dry,berlin proten skimer uv starilizer:help: :help: :confused:


only ONE well that wont do i think i will have to do something els what about a niger and a lion fish wold they do ok


Active Member
Have any specific fish in mind? There are so many different fish that different people like it is hard to just recommend a few. Price range makes a difference too. I could come up with 3 awesome fish to put in that tank but might run $1000.


cincyreefer where is your store i wold like to come and take a look i bet we have met befor my name is dave :notsure: