New anemone + power outtage


Ok, I got a green carpet and the next day had a lengthy power outtage. He's still alive but i'm curious abiut a few things
1) my amm spiked a bit and I did a 20% water change last night before bed. i didnt have time this morening to do another test but will as soon as i get home
asuming i get the water qauilty under crontrole how much permanant damage was done?
2) will the fact that this happened so soon after introduction be any worse then if it were established
3) by the time i got hoem and found the power had been out it was sideways, on the substrate fully inflated. Does that mean anythign in particular?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
Ok, I got a green carpet and the next day had a lengthy power outtage. He's still alive but i'm curious abiut a few things
1) my amm spiked a bit and I did a 20% water change last night before bed. i didnt have time this morening to do another test but will as soon as i get home
asuming i get the water qauilty under crontrole how much permanant damage was done?No way of telling that until you observe your tank
2) will the fact that this happened so soon after introduction be any worse then if it were establishedIt could be, typically they undergo a bit of acclimation stress when first placed in the aquarium so added anything isnt good forget about ammonia.
3) by the time i got hoem and found the power had been out it was sideways, on the substrate fully inflated. Does that mean anythign in particular?No not really
Ammonia is harmful to every living thing in your tank. But to what degree is it harmuful? IMO it depends on the hardiness of your live stock. Ammonia burns the gills of fish, but an already stressed or unhealthy fish may not recover from a spike in ammonia as a healthy fish might pull through. Its not easy to ansewer your question although none of what has happened to you is good. I would say keep up with the water changes and keep a close eye on your tank. Good Luck.


Thanks. I'll do another test tonight before another change.
I'm not overly familiar with anemone's health but as long as its alive and the params come quickly into check will it recover? It's not noticibly changed in anyway other then closing up but its foot is still inflated and colored the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
Thanks. I'll do another test tonight before another change.
I'm not overly familiar with anemone's health but as long as its alive and the params come quickly into check will it recover? It's not noticibly changed in anyway other then closing up but its foot is still inflated and colored the same.
Sorry but no, just being alive doesnt mean its healthy so I cannot comfortably agree with that statement. Depending on the type of anemone, some recover better than others, but their success is far greater if they were healthy from the get go. Assuming that it was, you said carpet, but is it a S.hadoni or an S. gigantea if the latter of the 2 your chances are not as good. They are known to be the most difficult species to keep.


Im pretty sure its hadoni. I looked it up before i got becuase the reading suggested i stray away from gigantea. I had my eye on it at the LFS for a while(since my first post about how to know when im ready), it was always wide open when i checked on it and sticky as all hell so as far as i could tell it was happy.
I guess we'll see how this weekend goes with the water changes, i'll try to get soem pics up too. Thanks for the help so far.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
Im pretty sure its hadoni. I looked it up before i got becuase the reading suggested i stray away from gigantea. I had my eye on it at the LFS for a while(since my first post about how to know when im ready), it was always wide open when i checked on it and sticky as all hell so as far as i could tell it was happy.
I guess we'll see how this weekend goes with the water changes, i'll try to get soem pics up too. Thanks for the help so far.
No prob. Best of luck and I will look forward to seeing the pics.


ok so i did 10% water changes friday amd sat and a 20% thismorning and the anemone is still closed up. hes been moving slowly in the tank i assume trying to find an acceptable place. ill post ppics and params later today when i arrive home. im not sure if it matter but it did feed friday, i gave it half a shrimp ant it devoured it.


sorry it took me so long to get these up, works been killing me. long story short i did 10% water changes for 5 days straight and it seems to be doing ok. moved into this rock crevis and hasnt moved since. *edit these are taken about an hour after feeding



It looks pretty good now, don't know what it looked like after the power outage, but looks like its recovering nicely