If it is the condy: This anemone is also known as the Haitian Anemone or simply the Atlantic Anemone. These anemones are brightly colored and are more of a aquarium decoration than a host anemone. Because this anemone comes from the Atlantic Ocean and there are no clownfish found in the Atlantic, this anemone is overlooked by almost all clowns. if a more suitable host anemone is present, you can be sure that the Condy Anemone will be ignored.
These anemones have been hosts to a cleaner shrimp known as Peterson's Shrimp which is a clear shrimp with purple markings on it.
If it is the Sebae: Then you have one of the more difficult species to take care of, and you WILL almost certainly need MH lighting for it to do well. They have an absolutly dismal survival rate in the home aquarium. If it is white now, then as stated you will have a long way to go before it gets better, and it will need that strong lighting for it to have hope of surviving. I base my opinion on the experience of broomer5, who has kept this type of anemone, and from my reading of others who have had the same experience.