new anemone


ok my new bubble tip anemone closes up every day at 7:00am - 8:00am and than opens back up to normal durrign the day..whats up with this ive had him for like....4 days 5 days ..... and hes done it ever day. is it normal?


Active Member
When I had my BTA he also did this, though not on a schedule. The clown that hosted him would swim over and nudge him (vigorously!), it drove him nuts when the anemone was closed up.
I'm not sure if that is how they rest, or what, but I'm pretty sure it's normal.
What are tank params and details? What are you feeding him?


Active Member
BTA's sort of fold up at night, and the fish should sleep within the folds for protection.
The clowns should adjust to the anemone's schedule.