New Anemones


New Member
Hello, we just got some rock and 2 anemones. The woman said the lighting we have should be fine for them, I alwys though they needed alot of light..... Anything special they require?


Active Member
An established tank of at least 6 months with pristine water conditions and alot of light like Metal Halide or VHO. For your 45 gallon you will need at 250 - 350 watts of lighting.


New Member
It has been up for about 2 months..... I sent my DH to the store to get crabs and maybe some rock. Well there were 2 anemones attched to the rocks so he bought them. I dont really know alot about them. Also the lighting is basic ... it actually came with the ghood. we have one fish a damsel.


Active Member
well, your tank is established enough for an anenome, butit may do ok with the right lighting. what kind of lighting do you have? and what kind of anenome. what are your water levels?


Active Member
ammonia needs to be 0 for anenome to survive...
do you know your lighting? is it just the regular bulbs that came with the hood or have you upgraded?


Active Member
His post said it came with the hood if that is the case it probly wont live very long.


Active Member
OH i missed that part lol.
but if it thats the lights you are using it will die very quickly. you might as well just take them back
and for future reference, dont take advice from the LFS


Active Member
Especially if you are having any ammonia issues. Nothing more, until that is addressed. But the lighting is really not suitable for any anemones. It would be best to take them back to the store, unless your tank came with some unusual lighting.


Active Member

Originally posted by ScubaNoah
are we sure its not aiptasia?

Ya know, that isn't a bad question at all! :D I suppose they might also be mushrooms or someting? Maybe a pick would help?