New Anemones

The last anemone I put in my tank, it was on a rock and I just placed it in the tank. It did well until I went on vacation. Just purchased another bubble anemone. I just put rock and all in the tank.
Water temp was the same. I guess I should of floated it, or did drip. Didn't even think of it, I do a drip for new fish all the time, wonder why I didn't think of it. Well it is still open and didn't close at all. So maybe it will b ok

Next question, the anemone is right in the water flow from the power head. It is not up high closer to the light. Was wondering does it have to be up close. I have en expensive lilght system. so was just wondering. Got two sets of blue lights. Now I can't recall the name and the bright light. So low in the bottom of tank in the water flow that is ok???