New aquarium with new clean up crew


OK so I have been reading everything I can about SW fish and tanks and I am learning lots. I made the mistake of listening to lfs and started out adding fish too soon and killed them. I have been testing my water daily and it has cycled and my levels have dropped back to 0 and I added 2 peppermint shrimp, an emerald crab, a red leg hermit and a turbo crab. I have a 22 gallon tank with live rock and live sand. I have a limpet snail that came in on my lr and hidden cup coral. All critters are doing well and levels remain good.
I also discovered I have a pistol shrimp or a mantis shrimp that came in on my lr. It's about an inch long and it made a loud snapping noise when my emerald crab got too close. It actually made me jump when it happened. I'm hoping it is a pistol shrimp and not a mantis.
Everyone on this site has been so helpful I just wanted to update everyone. Also, I'd like opinions on when you all think it will be OK to add 2 clowns. I trust the opinions here.
I eventually want to have the 2 clowns, 1 goby shrimp combo, and 1 or 2 other small peaceful fish. Is that an acceptable load do you think? and what would you suggest.


Active Member
sounds like you are taking it nice and slow now. congrats.
If you can find the rock the shrimp is in, you can try and dip it in high SG water, or you can try a trap. I would find out what it is before adding any fish though.


Active Member
i would think if it is a mantis the emerald would be dinner.they are very aggressive .especially when it comes to food


I was kinda thinking the same thing. It seems very skittish and hasn't bothered any other livestock. My new cuc is happy and healthy. The Aiptasia is lookin' not so happy now that I have the peppermint shrimp. It's hiding and looking a little nipped at.


I agree with deejeff. Also, your peps would be toast if it were a mantis.
FWIW, the general rule is if you hear a single "pop", it's most likely a pistol shrimp. Stomatopods typically give their target multiple smacks (generally in 3's). My own experiences with both critters tends to bear this out as well.