New aquascape concept


I came up with a idea I found pretty interesting so I decided to post my thoughts.I was thinking of making the side of my tank the intended viewing area of my aquarium.For example I have a 125, instead of have front to back view which is 22'' I believe(correct me if I'm wrong).I would have a 6' view from side to side.I would do this by creating my rockscape to cater to that view which most likely would be a gradual elevation in the rockwork from the front to the back.Tell me what you think :thinking: I know it's kind of hard to understand but just imagine looking through a 125 through the side.I think it would be pretty neat, definetly different and a little more authentic looking.


Active Member
I'm a bit confused. You say you want a gradual elevation from front to back, but isn't that 22 inches? And how is that really different from what everyone else does? Or do you mean a gradual elevation fron left to right, as in side to side?


I know what he's saying.... I personally think it's not a great idea and you would have to make room for a 6' long aquarium sticking into your room.