new aquatop pse1


New Member
Just got an aquatop psr1 sterilizer and protein skimmer all in one..not to happy with it. Thought i was up grading but not to sure. Loud doesn't seem to work good. Does anyone have one or knows about these that could give some positive feed back or any help on making the right adjustments ..only been in the hobby for 4 months and still very wet behind the ears


Active Member
Originally Posted by olwine3 http:///t/394105/new-aquatop-pse1#post_3507472
Just got an aquatop psr1 sterilizer and protein skimmer all in one..not to happy with it. Thought i was up grading but not to sure. Loud doesn't seem to work good. Does anyone have one or knows about these that could give some positive feed back or any help on making the right adjustments ..only been in the hobby for 4 months and still very wet behind the ears
I did a quick Google search and found something on Amazon for like $60. Is this the one?
It looks kinda shabby. I am not sure how well it would work. It looks too small to be an effective skimmer. It might do a fine job for the UV sterilizer. I have never used a UV unit, so I can not speak to the benefits. There are better choices for HOB skimmers, they cost a bit more but you get what you pay for in this hobby. What kind of set up do you have? Do you have a sump? Or do you need a HOB unit.