New at reef tank..need some advice


New Member
I have a 7 gallon tank that i am making it into a minature reef tank. I know its very small for a reef tank..but its something i am willing to risk trying to make it work. I have been cycling this tank for about two weeks now. I have a clown fish and a coral beauty. I have about 5 pound of live rock. I have a miniture wet and dry filtering system. I have about 3.5 inches of live sand in it. How do i feed the live rocks or the creature that will grow from it? what nutrients do i need to provide to the live rock and the creatures on it? please give very specific advice. thank you all


The small reef is alright to have... along with ONE clown in a 7gal, but, your coral beauty needs to go back to the LFS. I dont think anyone on this board would have one in a 7gal, its considered cruel to the fish


Active Member
welcome aboard,adn yep on the angel, and now for your question, just give it a litle flake food, that is all we did
oh yeah, you are still cycling, and i can almost guarentee you to keep the coral beauty now would be detrimental, even if the tank were cycled, they normally don't live in systems that have not matured a good 6 months or so, so a cycling tank is definitely leatal to them, take it back now, please, before it dies
hate to sound forward, but that is the facts with angels, dwarf or otherwise, and i DON'T CARE WHAT THE GUY/GAL AT THE FISH STORE SAID, i personally don't think most of them know what they are talking about anyways(even if he had 60+yrs experience, most don't have any idea,no matter what they tell you) and the first clue is selling you a fish like that for a new tank
if they won't take it back, find another store(or even a hobbyist, even if they will not give you the money for it) that will take it, just get it out to save it, and i mean now, not in a day or 2(9am tomorrow morning, if it lives that long), TRUST ME ON THIS


Active Member
like i said, trust me, i have nothing to gain here at all,as the others here don't and i can assure you that you would be not very likely to find anyone here to disagree with me, your odds of finding that one person are almost as good as hitting the lottery 3 nites in a row