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New Member
I Have a 55 gallon tank and the only thing I can keep alive is two Damsels I have a uv sterilizer and a skimmer I cant figure it out. I have lost a dogface puffer a valitene puffer 2 yellow tangs, clown trigger, and a alge belinne, oh and 3 clown fish. What am I doing wrong does anyone have a Idea because I am out of Ideas :help:


Active Member
What is your salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, temperature, etc?
How long has theis tank been set up? Did you go through the "cycle"? If you don't know what that is, there is your problem.


New Member
My ph is a 8.3 ,selinity is a .23 and nitrites and nitrates is a 0 and ammona is between a 0 and a.25 the tank has went threw its cycle it is about 3months old and temp is about 78 79F


Active Member
Did you have all those fish in there at once???? What kind of filters do you have?? power heads??


New Member
No not all the fish at on time I just bought another one as one die I started out with just a regular whisper filter then I was told that I needed a uv sterlizer and a skimmer by time I got them I done went threw the dogface puffer, yellow tang and a clown whithen a week of each of the fish all the fish seem to only live a max of 7-10 days befor they die the only thing that has lived all this time since the end of its cycle is two blue devels


Active Member
Have you had your water tested at a nearby fish shop? The blue devils have a much higher tolerance to ammonia fluctuations than all those other fish. Your tests could be off or the kits could be bad.


New Member
I know power heads are very important in a saltwater aquarium. We were not told that you must have alot of water movement to increase the oxygen level in the aquarium and learned the hard way. Hope you figure things out.


New Member
Well I had my water tested in two different shops and I have two different test my self and I have a red sea and a docwellfish and I have a jet head in my tank to I believe that I have alot of water move ment in my tank