
Hey everyone, just got a 2.5 inch naso tang. Anyone have any experience on them. For example any perticular food to feed it? Any general advise is helpful. Thanks


Active Member
I have no personaly experience with these fish, but here is what I found. Hope this helps.
Naso lituratus
Also called, the Lipstick Tang, this is a beautiful fish that can be hard to acclimate to captivity, but once established it can live for years.

Maintenance difficulty:
This fish is moderately difficult to keep. Start by feeding it blanched lettuce and brine shrimp.
It is important that you feed tangs a good variety of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods with emphasis in vegetable and spirulina. Best to feed small amounts several times a day.
Habitat: Natural geographic location:
Found in the Ino-Pacific region. From the Red Sea to Japan, New Caledonia, Hawaii, the Marquesas, and Tuamotu. Found at depths of 5 to 90 meters.
Mainly found grazing on leafy brown algae such as Sargassum and Dictyota.
Social Behaviors:
Can get territorial especially if another tang is added to a tank with an already established tang.
Sexual differences:
Light: Recommended light levels:
Found in areas of sunlight.
Probably will not be accomplished in captivity. See the description in the Breeding Marine Fish page.
No special requirements. Normal temperatures for marine fish is between 75 and 79 degrees.
Length/Diameter of fish:
Adults can grow to 50 cm ( 20 inches). This is a very large fish! Make sure you have a very large tank!
Minimum Tank Length/Size:
A minimum 125 gallon aquarium is recommended for a full sized tang. Juveniles are commonly kept in 60 gallon aquariums which is usually okay since the fish grows rather slowly.
Water Movement: Weak, Moderate, Strong
No special requirements.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom
Swims all over the aquarium.
This fish is generally readily available and is moderately expensive.

Congrats on the new addition. I got mine around the size to give me enough time to buy a larger tank. Mine took to Mysis shrimp& and Romaine lettuce pretty quick but his very favorite has to be Seaweed Selects Green Marine Algae. Mine will eat it out of my hand while Im putting it in the clip. give it 2-3 months before the coloring starts to come in good and if its a male the tail streamers will also start arond then or shortly after.
Good luck your Naso will be tons of fun.