new bamboo cat shark


I just got a 2 week old Bamboo cat shark and I noticed he's not the best swimmer this common, he tries to swim and lands upside down or on its side. (I'm concerned)
I also was told he has been eating krill, is this the proper food for him and should he be eating and exactly what should he be eating and how should I feed him with 3 other hungry fish in the same tank, I assume he has to wait for the food to land in front of him, whats the best way to feed him.


Wow, there are a lot of questions that were asked. So let's start from the beginning.... It'll take about 3-4 weeks after hatching until the shark swims. I will assume that he is just waddling around the tank when it does move.
Next, krill is good for now. I would however strongly advise that you feed it a variety of foods including clams, squidd and frozen shark formula. Further, make sure that the food is soaked in vitamins such as Zoe.
When you feed him, make sure that the other species are fed first. With experience, they will less likely harass the shark when it is feeding. I usually bury a piece of food in the sand near his nose so only he could get to it.
I hope that this help you out some, but I am sure that others would jump in if I missed some information.


Yaa..the shark attempts to swim and lands on his back or side...looks ugly like his center of gravity is wrong...but if you think it will take time for it to learn to swim then thats the problem..
Can you keep two of these sharks in the same tank?
Do you have a Bamboo cat shark ?


Active Member
My pair get along like the other isnt even there. They always get fresh seafood on a 3 day schedule (Mon, Wed, Fri) and eat until theyre full. They seem to get more active with age because mine are out pretty much all the time cruising around. When they first hatched I swear it took a month for them to realize that they could even move.


The Bamboo died on Wed....I believe it had a problem to start with, It couldn't stay on its belly...
I got another one and this ones swimming around and eating as soon as I put it in the tank.


I live on Long Island....there's tons of stores...I frequent about 4 of them..most of the other are crappppp.....I just started to order fish On-line..I found that they are much cheaper and just as good.


sharks doing good...he comes out at night and swims around..hasn't ate yet....still new to tank..very cool looking shark..the moonlightings gonna look great with the eel and shark viewing


I have a question Johnic. I have a banded shark too. I thought that moonlights would harm eels? And you said your shark swims around at night. Mine did the first night i brought him home but last night he did not swim (well i turned the lights off 8:00pm and i go to bed at 9:00pm) do you think he swims when i sleep? But i looooooove my banded shak!!!!!!!! they are so cool. I'm feeding him ghost shrimp now, when should i get him on frozen food? Hes only 6days old. the pet store manager said "keep him on ghost shrimp for the next week then start feeding him frozen food".:happy:


I'm kinda new to the shark myself..but the gost shrimp are a good start...I was told to get him on frozen squid and some silver sides...the squid smell gets him to eat, I also put Selcon in the food..its an additive the replaces the stuff lost during the freezing process.
And no the moonlights do not harm the eel..the lights simulate the natural moonlight...
The banded cat shark is not nessasary a night time feeder...I just noticed mine like to come out and swim around at that time