depending on how big it is will vary on its feeding. remember these are reef sharks and need reef water parimeters also. sg of 1.024 ph at least 8.3 temp 72-78 degrees i keep mine at 78 try to at least. you will need a variety of foods for him such as krill squid mysis shrimp,small peices of cut raw shrimp.scallops,small chunks of raw sw species fish fellets. when he is young and small he needs to be fed a few times a day as he gets bigger he will require less feedings but best to feed daily also as he gets larger the food peices can be larger.limit the amounts of food per feeding mine will eat untill the food pours out his gills if i let him.i soak all foods in selcon and garlic extreme before feeding it to such a large tank it will be difficult to get it to hand feed right away you will need to stick feed.a good trick to target feed mysis shrimp is to buy a larger acrylic feeding rod about 1/2 in diam long enough to reach the bottom of your tank .lfs do carry these for a couple bucks. add a couple drops of selcon and garlic extreme to the chunk of mysis then pack frozen chunk of mysis inside the end of the rodput your finger on the top of the rod when inserting into the tank once you release the air presur by removing your finger the water will shoot to the top of the tube to water surface level.but as the food thaws it will slowly drop down the the tube close to the sharks face so the food will be as close to his mouth as possible.once your shark gets the idea of the smell of the garlic and food combined feeding becomes easier he will always remeber that scent and will evenually come out searching for it as soon as it hits the tank.until then you have to get the food directly to him if he doesnt eat it right away he may eat once the stick is removed.feed where you can see him eat if possible.feel free to ask if this wasnt enough info for you