New bicolor blenny...


So, I FINALLY got my first SW fish. Had to wait 2 months because we were going on a long vacation at the end of August and I didn't want my petsitter to have to worry about a SW fish.
Anyway, happy to be watching something other than hermits and algae. ;)
I got a bicolor blenny on Tuesday afternoon...had to do something "normal" with all of the horror and chaos. So fish retail therapy it was.
He's adjusting really well to his new home and is busy grazing on hair algae. He's actually pretty active and not terribly shy.
Last night, I noticed him flashing on one side a few times. I did see some sand on one of his sides at one time. Is flashing normal for fish w/out parasites (in the case of sand on him, etc.) Or should I be concerned?


Active Member
Blennys are pretty resistant to parasites and disease. Some regularly flash off of the bottom or off of rocks, maybe to remove slime,sand particles or bubbles. My black blenny does it often and never has had any visible parasites. That does not mean not to watch closely for a while.


Are bi-color blennies agressive or could they be? Have 2 clown, 2 firefish, canary blenny, jawfish and algae blenny in the tank