new biocube


Active Member
The water is probably low in the compartment housing your pump. When the water gets low, bubbles will result, time to top off.


Active Member
The compartment or or the aquarium, it will even itselft out. Remember that the low water is from evaporation and when seawater evaporates only fresh water leaves and the salt remains behind. So you top off with freshwater RO or RO / DI preferably to keep the salinity correct, but you should check the salinity anyways.


do you have a protein skimmer????? many of the skimmers have a break in period and will allow tons of micro bubbles into your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeepxj922
well thats not it i fill it up and it emptys out
On the left side of the tank where is the water line between the minium and maximum?
Also in the viewing part of the tank the water line is supposed to reach the plastic rim at the top.
I guess another idea is to make sure you don't have a leak somewhere.


i was a dumb one and used the tank wanter already in the tank...just got it yesterday still playing with it bit i topped it off thanks