new blonde naso


Just got him about 2 weeks ago. He is eating great, (calurpa, frozen brine, silver sides, seaweed select, and spectrum pellets, all this soaked in garlic extreme) He pretty much has the 90g bowfront to himself except for 2 cinnamon clowns. I understand that when a naso is scared or nervous they will darken. He is only the light grey color when he is feeding. Anyone know why? Anything I can do?:notsure:


Active Member
Originally posted by nayr
[B I understand that when a naso is scared or nervous they will darken. He is only the light grey color when he is feeding. Anyone know why? Anything I can do? [/B]
I didn't have a blonde, but a naso. When mine got scared or such, I seen white dots on him. IMO, the light grey coloring is the normal color, so it must be content. Keep doing what you are, seems you have a happy naso. HTH