NEW Blueface & Emperor Angel


I just them today! The Blueface is a little bigger then the Emperor so i added the Emperor first its right when he begins to change. The top of his body is bearly beggining to turn white and yellow.
They are getting along great no fights so far and they also ate today. The blueface has been grazing on my rocks and they also both ate Flakefoods, Brine shrimp, and a little bit of Krill.
Hopefully everything goes fine

Sorry pics arent awesome lol i need a nicer camera
Emperor Angel



Active Member
THey look great! Hopefully they stay civil towards each other. If I were you, I would remove the columns in the middle of the tank in a while for more swimming room.
The fish look to be around 4"???


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
THey look great! Hopefully they stay civil towards each other. If I were you, I would remove the columns in the middle of the tank in a while for more swimming room.
The fish look to be around 4"???
Ive been wanting to take that out for a while now but i have a snowflake eel underneath it lol thats his little spot i guess i can make one out of rocks though for him ya?


Cafero thats a nice tank. I live in vegas, just want to know where you buy your fish, which stores offer the healthiest fish? THNX


Originally Posted by fishy PA guy
Is that a giant lion in the middle of the columns? That thing is HUGE!!!
lol ya ive had him since he was a tiny thing he got that big in about a year believe it or not lol


nice tank all you need is a nice queen angel and a crosshatch triger.. oh and of course , a clarion angel. btw are those angels safe with such a large lionfish ? if you bought the fish online can you let me know the where you got them . thanks


Originally Posted by peter1215
nice tank all you need is a nice queen angel and a crosshatch triger.. oh and of course , a clarion angel. btw are those angels safe with such a large lionfish ? if you bought the fish online can you let me know the where you got them . thanks
Yes the lion cant fit them in his mouth and even if he could he woldnt he is a picky eater lol. Ya i wish a queen that would be an ideal tank i think when these guys get to big for this tank i will get a 200g tank(at least) with these 2 angels and 1 queen and thats it in there.
Yes and i got them online ill PM you the website i dont think im aloud to post it


Active Member
Great looking fish. I would think the other way around, and the angels would start getting nippy with the lion. If you start seeing fins missing from the lion, time to start taking action.
Other then that, make sure those angels get plenty of Angel-specific food with sponge in it. Hikara Mega Marine Angel or Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula (the red stuff).


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Great looking fish. I would think the other way around, and the angels would start getting nippy with the lion. If you start seeing fins missing from the lion, time to start taking action.
Other then that, make sure those angels get plenty of Angel-specific food with sponge in it. Hikara Mega Marine Angel or Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula (the red stuff).
Well i have the Ocean Nutriton formula there fakes. And i bought some Angel Formula cubes today there like gel cubes filled wit alot sponge and other vitamins its the red stuff. I havent seen the Hikara Mega Angel stuff yet though.
And yes i keep a close eye on my lion lol i had a blue-line trigger that ended up nipping at him and i had to take him back to my LFS. But in this case i would have to keep the angels over the lion to tell you the truth.


That's a really nice looking tank and fish. What kind of subtrate is that? Looks like a larger grain of sand.


if you get the Hikari mega marine, make sure you soak it a while first otherwise it will just float into the overflows . I like the Ocean Nutrition more.


Yes i do like the ocean nutrition formula flakes hey eat that lik crazy and ive been soaking the brine shrimp in vita-chem before i feed it to them also they love all of it.
I am going to get some mysis shrimp for them soon though

brine hrimp is like candy for them?? lol


Originally Posted by peter1215
you should get the ocean nutrition cubes (angel formula, formula 1&2)
Well i have Angel formula cubes. There like a gel cube but i have to cut them up smalled for them to eat. I havent seen the oceanic cubes at my LFS yet.