Is it a lobo or trachy brain? I'm guessing trachy, mine likes light for sure, it's been under 70 and 150 watt halides, will eat quite a bit once you get it's feeding response going, I feed mysis and krill but also have a couple that never feed that are doing great, although smaller. Flow, not too strong, moderate seems to be fine. Mine are all on the sandbed, if you are careful that they aren't rubbing the rock when expanded they can be placed on the rockwork, although this usually isn't recommended I've seen many looking great in the rocks. Seem to be pretty hardy and recover from injury well. If it's a lobo they seem to be a little touchier, can still be in high lighting but will take longer to acclimate, mine take a long time to put out feeders, will attack corals placed very close to them, even other lobos. Trachys can be touching other trachys with no aggression.