New BTA is hiding


Active Member
I purchased a BTA on Sunday and acclimated it slowly into my 55 gallon. I placed the rock it came on in a spot I thought it (and I) would like, but by the next morning it was gone from sight. I finally found it on the underside of a rock at the back of the tank where it's absolutely getting NO light. Why do they move into a dark spot? Should I try to retrieve it and bring it out again or let it do what it wants? I can't imagine it will be very healthy back there where I can't reach it to feed it and where it gets no light. Is this normal behavior for a newly added anemone?


Hi there, I was just reading elsewhere a blog of another lady and her's a quote from it to help you sleep tonight!!
"It is very delicate, and needs to be added to a mature tank with stable parameters. The first day that I put it in the tank, I placed it on a level spot that I hoped would be a showcase spot. However, within a couple of hours, it moved, crawling underneath the live rock, completely hidden in a cave. Of course, I was dismayed. However, in a couple of days, it had worked its way up through the crevices of the live rock, and displayed its bubble tipped tentacles."
She took pics of when she got it until '07 I think 5 yrs, and it's pretty cool and has split like 5 or 6 times!! have fun!
ps. I hope you have a big tank, cause her BTA got HUGE


Active Member
Thanks - that's great to hear! I put the BTA in a well-established 55 gallon. Hopefully I'll see it showing itself, at least a little, in a few days.


well i have a BTA aswell just got it and it did the same thing only im on day 9 or 10 and its still hiding i move a few things to feed it a sand eel ever few days and put everything back the way it was. im hopeing some day it will come out. best of luck


Active Member
Happy days - the BTA is out! When I came home from work tonight I waseyballing the tank (as always) and was so pleasantly surprised to see the new BTA front and center looking very full and bubbly and happy! Of course I have no idea if he will STAY in the spot he's in, but he's been there for the past 5 hours and seems to be staying put for now. Think I'll go see if he wants to eat - maybe I can bribe him into staying out front. :)