New Member
I got a BTA this morning from SWF, let it float for 30 minutes, did the drip thing for 2 yours, poured some of the mixed water in a ziplock bag with BTA, let it float for 20 minutes to make sure temp was close to tank, took it out of bag put it in tank. Waited 3 hours, turned on the actntic lights, waited 30 minutes, turned on MH lights. By the time I turned on the MH lights it had already attached firmly to a crevice in the rock I put it on, and when the MH lights came on, it opened up nicely. It was really looking, good, still is I guess. But about 2 hours later, I noticed it ejecting this stringy ball about the size of a large cotton ball, that was white and looked stringy. Is this normal? I know they spit out things they can't digest, but this looked almost the size it had been when I got it this morning before it inflated.