New BTA Spitting up large white mass.


New Member
I got a BTA this morning from SWF, let it float for 30 minutes, did the drip thing for 2 yours, poured some of the mixed water in a ziplock bag with BTA, let it float for 20 minutes to make sure temp was close to tank, took it out of bag put it in tank. Waited 3 hours, turned on the actntic lights, waited 30 minutes, turned on MH lights. By the time I turned on the MH lights it had already attached firmly to a crevice in the rock I put it on, and when the MH lights came on, it opened up nicely. It was really looking, good, still is I guess. But about 2 hours later, I noticed it ejecting this stringy ball about the size of a large cotton ball, that was white and looked stringy. Is this normal? I know they spit out things they can't digest, but this looked almost the size it had been when I got it this morning before it inflated.


Welcome to the board

Not sure if what your describing sounds good, it almost sounds like its insides are coming out, namly the mesenterial filaments and or gametogenic tissue. or if it ejected it completely then let me know, this could just simply be some type of waste. Can't be sure without a pic.
I might keep the halides off for a day and run the other lights or simply reduce the amount of time the halides are on for a week while it acclimates.
How is the color of the anemone?
Water paramiters?