new BTA


I have a new bubble tipped anenome I have had for about 5 days. Basically as of now it is in the same spot I placed it in when I added it to the tank. Also the clown is not going near it but that is a whole nother store. Anyways, when I bought it he said he needed to be fed about 3 days from when I bought it. Now the clown isnt going to take food to it but I have some frozen silvers... how do I feed it? I put a silver in its tenticles yesterday and it is still there just sitting there?


as long as you have good lighting you really dont have to feed them,and if it didnt eat the silverside its not hungry.i feed small amount in the morning and same at night


I found that feeding them every once and a while keeps them happy which will discourage them from moving all around the damn tank


Yes. That is enough for a BTA. I would feed it once a week. I feed my BTA thawed meaty krill. It is doing amazing! I am going to move my 55 to a 125 tonight. I am hoping that the anemone makes it. I just have to be VERY careful. I am dreading moving it.


Originally Posted by Winstew
I found that feeding them every once and a while keeps them happy which will discourage them from moving all around the damn tank
Very true. Also, I made the mistake of placing the anemone. It will most likely move around at night. Watch out that it doesn't attack anything else in the tank. My anemone is deep inside one of my LR mountains. Make a deep cave for it where you want it. That worked for me.