new buddies



very nice tank....
ive always wanted a CBS, but yeah dont want to run the risk of it killing every other shrimp in my tank....


very cool, I love it when the shrimp molt. We have a cleaner shrimp in our tank and they are so fun to watch! Nice maroon by the way.

ric maniac

Active Member
thanks everyone sorry i had to get away from the computor for a while. its a 6 gallon lol it is kinda small. i love it when they molt too and thanks for the complements.


Active Member
Very nice tank. Dont you think a 6 gallon is kinda small for a Clown? Especially a Maroon.


Active Member
Very cool molt picture!! I have a question, did the cb shrimp freak out when you released him into the tank? I'm trying to find out if they molt shortly after stressful situations. Mine molted just days after I did a tank switch, and his introduction, or at least catching him to release him was kind of stressful...for him and for me. Just wondering.
Beautiful clown!!
Lisa :happyfish

ric maniac

Active Member
actually he acted like he had been in the tank for years. i dunno but i think you might be onto something when you say they probably molt in stressfull situations. thanks for the complements


are you kidding! thats not a molt, it just gave off a transparent twin brother! lol. looks great. what size tank are you upgrading too?


Active Member
cool tank i also wanted a cbs but scared it might have conflict with my cleaner shrimp. ppl with cleaner shrimp.. does ur shrimp hang out in the back. mine does. not sure if they r scared of my blue devil demsel or what. when i first put them into the tank they were everywhere. now they just hang behind a rock and come out only to eat. anyways ur clown looks good. i definetly gettin a pair of true clowns soon.


My cb shrimp molted the day after he was introduced into my tank. It may have something to do with stress. He is fine though. All over the place.