got a new cam..let me know what ya think...kodak z612
efishnsea Active Member Sep 1, 2006 #6 Beautiful pictures, awesome TANK how much was the camera. efish :happyfish nsea
joncat24 Active Member Sep 1, 2006 #7 with the camera and a 2gig meme card and warranty was $ is 6.1megapix with a 12x optical zoom...what i like is the stabilization feature.......thanks for the comments...
with the camera and a 2gig meme card and warranty was $ is 6.1megapix with a 12x optical zoom...what i like is the stabilization feature.......thanks for the comments...
ginarox Active Member Sep 1, 2006 #8 wow!!!joncat24,,,,keep them coming,absolutly beautiful,, ,, i like looking at your tank more then all the colors....thank you for the pictures.have a great day....
wow!!!joncat24,,,,keep them coming,absolutly beautiful,, ,, i like looking at your tank more then all the colors....thank you for the pictures.have a great day....
joncat24 Active Member Sep 1, 2006 #9 thanks gina...I love posting them but sometimes I think that people get sick of seeing them...anyway here are some I took this morning...LOL :jumping:
thanks gina...I love posting them but sometimes I think that people get sick of seeing them...anyway here are some I took this morning...LOL :jumping:
joncat24 Active Member Sep 1, 2006 #11 yeh ,,,I saw him at the lfs and had to have him...he is only about an inch long but he has awesome colors......thanks
yeh ,,,I saw him at the lfs and had to have him...he is only about an inch long but he has awesome colors......thanks